The United States has pointed their fingers at other governments for being too heavy handed with their own people, but today, we are being faced with ANTIFA thugs intent on destroying our current government in order to take power and get what they can for themselves, that is all communism has ever amounted to, just another way for some individuals have found to rape successful systems for personal gain. The problem is, eventually they run out of other peoples money, communism doesn't work unless you harass, jail and kill those who oppose the corruption it always generates.
We've seen this story play out in Russia and have come to understand communism is just a shake down racket. At this point, it appears we either stomp the leftist movement down hard or let everything fall apart. In my opinion, this would not be happening now if the extreme leftist elements of the democratic party were not so hateful themselves to where they are willing to destroy America in order to get back on top too, but their victory would be very short as we go the way of Venezuela.
I am very concerned for the USA, we cannot let this happen and need to restore conservatism, if we don't, we won't have a good future and with what is happening in the world with China, if the US falls, their government will indeed eventually take over the planet and we all see what that would be. No one anywhere in the world will have a chance to be free.