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FrozenGate by Avery

Another laser/plane report on the nightly news


Nov 28, 2012
Looks like the nightly news is going to report yet another laser issue with air traffic:(
Makes me quite angry. Not looking forward to what they report in a few minutes.

Just saw it. Mainly a about 532nm and how dramatically the # of incidents has gone up. They stated that most claim to have no idea that it's an issue and carries a federal offense.

Realize that this is likely to get worse but I'm sickened by how stupid people are. We all have to just keep plugging away at safety here. I've no problem with anyone coming down hard on those foolish enough to post about their dangerous activities giving the rest of us a bad name. Tired of these reports. Something really bad is eventually going to happen.
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I fear you are right Pman. Soon we may have to only buy labbies and not hand held or battery powered lasers. The rapidly advancing technology of today combined with the wide spread epidemic of stupidity may well bring about the fall of a once great civilization. The idiot apocalypse is upon us.

Maybe it's a good thing that they crack down on the sale of handhelds. The idiots will unable to get any of them but, we here at LPF will be largely unaffected. We'll still be able to buy and sell through the forum and know where to buy the parts to make our own handhelds.
Cracking down on anything based upon the FAA and fed-gov's propaganda and lies is seldom a good idea.
I bet its all those jerks that buy the cheap greenie pens on ebay, dx or whatever and since they are overspec alot sometimes you can easy shine and reach and airplane with that and not even knowing the damage it can cause.. people that do this are so stupid and i hope they get caught.
It's mainly eBay... if eBay cuts the sales of those pointers we would have a lot less trouble right away. The cost of those cheap lasers give the user a sense that there's no danger in using them however they want...
Yeah I don't see these reports going away unless we get into a new war or something big happens that commands the attention of the media. Maybe we should make an activist group. I vote we copy the NRA and call it the NLA(National Laser Association). We will be for the safe and responsible use of lasers. We will support meaningful reform to keep lasers out of the hands of the untrustworthy while keeping them available for the responsible. My recommendation is to force ebay and amazon to ban the sale of handheld lasers as these sites are where most people get them. People who get their lasers from our sources do so 99% of the time with the intention of responsible use.
I dont think NBc hate lasers .. or us. They dont really know 'we' exist- and i would guess they may have at least tried to find someone to speak for 'us' the 1100% increase was from 2009 -- so over 5 years- and i want to know are they calling ALL SIGHTINGS of ANY lasers? OR just lasing incidents where pilots say they were inbtentionally lasered. Which BTW afaik is NOT a felony as the repos-rt says- IRC its now FEDERAL Offence- and the jail time and fine are now longer/bigger.

i did not like the huge green all cap 'FLYING BLIND'-- yes a flash, even short , is annoying/ hindering and a very bad thing but BLINDNESS- never happened+ but does not make you Stevie Wonder- the best part of the story FBI offeres $5,000 leading to arrest - that will more likely produce more results but- still -

you can see the entire story at NBC-
looks like LA has the lion's share of laser wackos-
Houston comes in fifth IIRC-

anyone interested in getting bumper stickers:

<10 YRS & $10,000 IN FINES.
DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if a bunch FB/Tweet to NBC reporters you may get some feedback- I doubt many at NBC have ever met one of us- - if they think it makes good stuff they are happy to USE whatever- but they will edit whatever way they want- so choose words carfefully.

dos centavos solo
Yes I think you are right Hak, annoying yes but blinding no! I saw that picture of the helicopter in Egypt with dozens of laser pointers focused on it, one would think if a laser pointer was going to cause a crash then that would have done it. What about Lightening Flashes, Who the FBI going to book there? Could be an interesting outcome!

Still just because it probably won't cause a crash, Don't be a $^%&# and point laser pointers at planes!
