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Another He-Ne question = AC tube??

Aug 28, 2009
Just a quick noob He-Ne question.

I just saw a He-Ne that said: Input=12000VAC
I thought all He-Ne ran off of DC
This is not a typo, as It showed a picture of the label that very clearly stated;

42mW max
. Wow that's a biggin'

Did a search on forum for He-ne VAC. Ever thing i came up with said AC to DC converter. Nothing about AC input.


Damn, and I just bought a 7k 200mA varible DC PSU that I thought would run any He-Ne, Oh well!!
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Re: Another He-Ne question

Yes, HeNe lasers (well, the tube does) run on DC only. The head may have an internal rectifier and smoothing capacitors to accept power directly from a HV transformer, but that seems rather strange.
Re: Another He-Ne question

I have many HeNes that run off AC mains - but the PS puts out DC of course. And that MAX mWs only means 'not more than' Go to Sam's laser FAQ and you can look up that laser & PS via the model numbers and verify the specs.
Re: Another He-Ne question

The head may have an internal rectifier and smoothing capacitors to accept power directly from a HV transformer, but that seems rather strange.

Nope, can't see any transformers or other components inside the head. Just the long tube. Quite clear pictures. Also the Alden style plug looks different. looks like it can be plugged in both ways.(+ and - the same height) Very weird!!

Go to Sam's laser FAQ and you can look up that laser & PS via the model numbers and verify the specs.

No tube ##'s even close to this one (this one much higher)
It does not come with a PSU (of course) You would probably have to build your own. I've never seen a AC PSU with even close to 12000V
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Re: Another He-Ne question

Well there is a typo SOMEWHERE. It may be on the label. Twelve THOUSAND volts AC is A LOT of voltage for 42mW of light (even at only 13mA) ;)

Look carefully at the "Alden" plug. The sides may be different shapes. IIRC NEC (at least) used a plug like this on its "higher powered" PSU/lasers. One side was "squared" off.

Re: Another He-Ne question

Well a HV AC psu is just a transformer, I have a 7500v transformer and 10,000v transformers aren't all that uncommon either - but it's hard to say about this laser head without being able to inspect it
Re: Another He-Ne question

Look carefully at the "Alden" plug. The sides may be different shapes. IIRC NEC (at least) used a plug like this on its "higher powered" PSU/lasers. One side was "squared" off.

You are right dave, one side is squared off.
It's still a mystery about the voltage although
Mystery solved!!

Thanks to dave (daguin)

Somebody has mislabeled it. It actually uses 5K@12mA DC
Just curious, where did you get the variable HV power supply? :eg:

I need one...
