Originally Posted by Pontiacg5:
Paypal is not e-bay, quit drawing conclusions that aren't there to justify your argument. E-bay is an online auction site, paypal is a fancy online bank. They are not the same no matter who owns who. There is only ONE thing to check with an argon laser, does it lase? What else is there to check?? The laser was also not SNAD, it is an argon laser that worked perfectly fine for 45 minutes. That is a considerable period of time, if it was a few seconds or a few minutes I might agree with you...
I have no problem selling stuff online, ask any of the people I've sold things to here. My problem is people like you who know deep down that it's not the sellers fault but they try to stick it to the seller anyway since they think they can. It's people like you that make people nervous about selling things online, the unscrupulous buyer that is becoming more and more prevalent.
An argon laser is not a laptop, I don't know why you keep using that analogy but it's a crappy one. An argon laser is a pretty stupid device, chaces are it works or it doesn't. There is no sure fire way to test an argon laser and have it tell you everything is OK like a laptop GPU. Also, chances are a laptop is not pulled used from some old discontinued medical equipment like all of these argon lasers.
Originally posted by zdarkazn
Get out of here...paypal and ebay have the same item SNAD policies. I have no problem SELLING AND BUYING stuff online because i know if the buyer says a hard drive failed, i would refund them for that. As for buying stuff, i know that if theres a problem with it the seller would refund me..up until now. YOU on the other hand, you make it difficult for buyers to buy online because all you want to do is make money fast and rip buyers off so all you want to do is test an item for 5 minutes, says it works and then sell it fast to unaware buyers. You're trying to use this forum to back you up on your sold items huh? Stick an untested electronic on ebay or amazon and sell it and i can bet you that if it has a problem within an hour YOU will be at fault. Its NOT just ebay. Only sellers like you are nervous about selling items because you're afraid the aware buyers will be able to exploit your way to rip them off for things that you claim as being used.