I actually had a Cop come to my aid tonight brought on by my 5mW green laser site.
I was on the beach at Port Dalhousie on Lake Ontario.
Shining my laser out into the lake to see how far out I could still see the beam;
so unless you are a fish in Lake Ontario there was nothing to worry about.
actually if your a fish, just being in Lake Ontario is usually enough to worry about.
then I hear from behind me...
"Hey Asshole, fucking green lasers are fucking illegal!"
seems drunk college muscle head doesn't like lasers, and was trying to impress the young hotty in the belt sized mini so I ignore him and mind my own business.
"Hey, asshole I'm fucking talking to you, enough with the laser or I'm going to shove it up your fucking ass!"
I turn and say to the girl "Like the attitude? Same one most wife beaters have."
She was already giving the muscle head dirty looks and trying to leave...
Muscle head started to walk straight at me, cracking his knuckles, punching his fist into his other hand trying to scare me i guess.
That's when the Mag-lite beam hit muscle head right in the face and the cops that foot patrol the beach during all weekends take him down, put him up against a near by building and start talking, then yelling at muscle head.
seems he didn't know that what he said and actively acting on a threat of violence in Canada can get you free room and board for 4 years as a guest of the Province.
one Cop wanted to know where I got the Laser Gun Site;
because he wants one for his hunting rifle.
fun and games in St.Catharines.
I'm just lucky the cop didn't see the knife I had in my hand when the guy was storming at me.