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FrozenGate by Avery

A look at the Laserglow Sol!


Jul 11, 2012
:wave:Hello everyone! I have a cool little thing for y'all today. It is the 18k Gold plated laserglow sol :wave: It is very shiny and the case is very high quality. Unfortunatly, I don't have a LPM, but I assure you that it is outputting at least 5mw! The output comes out a little bit slanted, but the dot is very round. The output has not flucuated at all in any weather conditions i.e. I was outside in the cold and the output was the same. The body does not heat up too much after lots of use, but the heatsink is presumably small so the duty cycle is also presumably short. Other than that, It is really fun and really beautiful, but I will let the pictures show you that:

The EPIC case :beer:

Everything that came in the package (note: It DID come with a battery:undecided:


Laserglow Technology etched on side:

Case, laser, battery:


Beam shots comming soon!

Overall, the laser is AWESOME and I rate it at a 4 stars out of 5 because of the slanted output. I really don't want to send it back for all of the hassle because I like it a lot. I think Im just gonna live with it.
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Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol

I'm sorry, but there is literally no useful information here. Everything you have told us is something laserglow could have told us. The point of a review is for a third party to evaluate a product. There is no evaluation here - just some tiny pictures and some drooling.
Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol

Sorry Cyparagon :( , I added some info to the op.
Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol

Its a great laser you got uh. Being an eye safe green, makes it kinda rare and cool to own...

Dont be so harsh on kilter, cyp.
I understand he's very happy with it, so he wants to show it... not measure every mA @ tailcap and divergence numbers... ;)

merry christmas to both :beer:
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Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol

thanks Leodahsan! Honestly, He's right, but I really don't have to equiptment to test all of that. :( Sorry.
Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol

There are sources on lpf how to measure divergence using an online calc...
All you need is a ruler and a way to measure longer distances (~16ft)
Search lpf you'd like to learn and try it. It will turn out to divergence in mRad.

Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol

Yea, not a whole lot of info there :/
i still dont get why you people spend so much on so little
Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol

i still dont get why you people spend so much on so little

I quite like laserglow lasers, they are by far the best quality lasers I own. Quality isn't cheap, but that's why you would spend so much, if you want a quality laser.
Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol

Just saying, I don't understand why you would pay so much for such little output, when you could build a very nice pen laser yourself, for less or equal to the same price, yet with 50x the power. Your money, I guess :D
Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol

Just saying, I don't understand why you would pay so much for such little output, when you could build a very nice pen laser yourself, for less or equal to the same price, yet with 50x the power. Your money, I guess :D


I don't understand the obsession that you people (to borrow a phrase) have with stupid amounts of power. :na:

People have different tastes... ;)

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Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol

crazyspaz said:
Just saying, I don't understand why you would pay so much for such little output, when you could build a very nice pen laser yourself, for less or equal to the same price, yet with 50x the power. Your money, I guess


I don't understand the obsession that you people (to borrow a phrase) have with stupid amounts of power. :na:

People have different tastes... ;)


very true. there's a reason some labbies are still only 5mW or so but cost hundreds, or even thousands. reasons? long run times, reliability, predictability, stability, positioning, profile, divergence, efficiency, rugged/robust, long battery life, etc.

In this case, plated in gold and therefore cosmetically attractive to show off.

its all dependent on what you need it to do...like any other object, such as a camera or a computer. Some people want a powerful emission, others desire a quality beam. this would fall into the latter.

as for the beam not being straight, that's normal for DPSS lasers and as long as its not hitting the edge of the aperture then it isn't considered a defect.

cheers! congrats on the new laser.
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Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol

Trevor said:

I don't understand the obsession that you people (to borrow a phrase) have with stupid amounts of power.

People have different tastes...


Indeed :)

very true. there's a reason some labbies are still only 5mW or so but cost hundreds, or even thousands. reasons? long run times, reliability, predictability, stability, positioning, profile, divergence, efficiency, rugged/robust, long battery life, etc.

In this case, plated in gold and therefore cosmetically attractive to show off.

as for the beam not being straight, that's normal for DPSS lasers and as long as its not hitting the edge of the aperture then it isn't considered a defect.

cheers! congrats on the new laser.

Uhh...I think you have your words mixed up :thinking: "Labbies" would refer to lab style lasers, which would not have batteries ("Have long battery life"). Also, the majority of the time, the expense comes from either crystal alignment being very difficult (talking about solid state lasers, of course), and material expense (again, crystals).

As to you saying
its all dependent on what you need it to do...like any other object, such as a camera or a computer. Some people want a powerful emission, others desire a quality beam. this would fall into the latter.

Are you saying that because a laser is high powered, it won't have a good quality beam :thinking:
I can promise you that someones 500mW 532 from CNI or Sky lasers will have a beam of equal or better quality to your laserglow pen-if by beam quality you are referring to diameter, dot appearance, divergence, etc. (if that isnt what you mean, then idk what :p)

as for the beam not being straight, that's normal for DPSS lasers and as long as its not hitting the edge of the aperture then it isn't considered a defect.

True indeed :) I don't think I said anything about the beam previously though.... If you care, it is simply due to crystals being not quite parallel with the output- refraction and all :)
