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A Guide To Buying Your First Green Laser

That viper host sucks, unless they have changed it, it is loose and falls apart easily, the button shorts and rarely operates correctly and the lens has terrible imperfections. I recommend the nova or opt. one.

Really?? That's the first I've heard of it. Do you have a link? Thanks for the warning...

tout_d'_abord thank you for your conceilles;)

Ben here I have one can discuss with Mrs to make me a laser more expensive why choice of endeavor 225 mW

If you certify me from are good operating (laser seeing the day with a porter 2000 meters + - and all things burner)

and especially if I well my 225 mW

or a laser pen or otherwise, or my pourais be best choice

has a big thank you for your reponces its help me much:.
no link, but experience...
They use the same host for the 125mw as they use for the 100mw, and my 100mw tends to twist up and fall apart on me. The button problem is really caused by the poor host which cut off the original rubber button when it twisted. Just the act of screwing off the tail cap to put in new batteries was enough to twist it around. the lens may not be a problem for everyone, because I have seen clean dots on these, but mine was bad to start with and only got worse. Maybe you'll get lucky but if it were me I wouldn't buy another one. As far as the power goes its more or less on target, if they had just got the host and optics right it would be a great laser. Junior do you know anyone who speaks better English because it is really hard to understand you... I'm not sure if we are helping or not.
tout_d'_abord thank you for your conceilles;)

Ben here I have one can discuss with Mrs to make me a laser more expensive why choice of endeavor 225 mW

If you certify me from are good operating (laser seeing the day with a porter 2000 meters + - and all things burner)

and especially if I well my 225 mW

or a laser pen or otherwise, or my pourais be best choice

has a big thank you for your reponces its help me much:.

It would be nice if you could find someone to translate better... But if I understand correctly, I say get the Endeavor if you have the money to spend, get the X if you don't. Both will have a beam that looks like it extends forever outside, and will be able to burn trash bags & pop dark balloons. The Endeavor will be able to do a little bit more.

More Power-- I'll look into it, and if I notice other people experiencing problems I'll stop recommending it.
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really desoler, I am on a corecteur on the pc "(I am Belgian low;)" "

Yes I have the budget to enderover 225 mw, but I want at this price that it valid silk and height of expectations that I you reluctant....

he forged what as puisances to light a cigarette for example? I guess that the enderover does not come?

(thanks for the tip)
really desoler, I am on a corecteur on the pc "(I am Belgian low;)" "

Yes I have the budget to enderover 225 mw, but I want at this price that it valid silk and height of expectations that I you reluctant....

he forged what as puisances to light a cigarette for example? I guess that the enderover does not come?

(thanks for the tip)

I've never tried cigarettes before, but my 125mW laser struggles to light a match (it will eventually). If you mean seriously, you really shouldn't. First of all you'd need goggles everywhere you go, and even then it would be dangerous. Burning is fun in controlled environments.
It is just has title of piece of information you make it not...

Thus if I indeed understand I would already have something really good with the endeavor 225mw

Thus I can buy eyes to close then??

Combient costs glasses??
Thank you very much.. ;)

Here are my the endeavor es order me rejuis of...:

I award the 225 mW I hope that I would be happy and I will spend some time

Thanks for glasses Yes has to price faux pas deny for the view...

Thank you thank you
Add PriceAngels! They're an awsome site which meter lasers on request. I asked for power readings on 2 of their lasers, they replied in a matter of days. Their lasers are underspec, but at least they admit it.
Oh yeah, the link to beamcheap is busted and Wicked are probably no longer worthy of good company status.
Thx again for pointing out the link. Guess they went out of business... I'm never quite sure what to do with WL. I mean, as a company, they're terrible. But the quality of the lasers is really nice and there's nothing quite like them, even if they are waaay overpriced.
You really think that? I've heard nothing but good things about how solid the hosts are (excluding pens, which are never really solid-feeling).
Yeah I guess your right, but with the arctic and glasses and everything, their quality was kinda poor, but its not the only product.
