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A Guide To Buying Your First Green Laser

How long ago did it ship out? I've gotten tracking numbers that don't work for 4 days, or until the item gets into the country.

It was supposed to ship a day and a half ago, so I will be patient. I just wasn't sure how reliable rayfoss is, as it's my first time buying from them. So far I've read pretty much only good things, though.
It was supposed to ship a day and a half ago, so I will be patient. I just wasn't sure how reliable rayfoss is, as it's my first time buying from them. So far I've read pretty much only good things, though.

When I bought from RF, the shipping status updated when it left China, and wasn't updated again until it got to my town... So yeah Hong Kong Post is horrible with tracking, just be patient. I think my shipping took 8 days, but I've heard up to 15.
I don't have a problem waiting; I'll get my laser before the Arctics ship. :na:
I got ups shipping on the laser, so I should get that pretty soon. All the stuff they're shipping seperately is what will take a little while. Including the battery. =/
Maybe I'll just find one for it in town...

Here is a link to the laser I bought. Faona told me it is way over spec, that it's stable at 275mW and peaks around 315. That makes me very happy.
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I have several lasers from Rayfoss, & each time I bought one, I contacted FAONA by Email directly for ordering purposes. This way, I was able to ask her to PERSONALLY hand-pick my laser to make sure that the PEAK out-put, & AVERAGE out-put, were what they were supposed to be. ANY Co. shipping from CHINA gives out tracking #'s that usually aren't worth a sh*t. Just sit tight & the laser will get to you. Faona is an honest, classy, women to deal with, & has ALWAYS made sure that my lases have been up to, or exceeded the advertised specs.
So far Faona has been very helpful and seemingly honest with me. I'm more pleased with my service than the WL customers, that's for sure...

I'm excited to receive my new greenie and do a review of it!
I want to take some excellent beam pix.

I want to show you guys the new modified host for this laser, but I only have the pic as an attachment in an email...
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A Very good guide. Thanks for sorting them out for us here. It reminds me of the confusion when i was new to choosing lasers among the google searches.

According to the accumulated buying experiences with o-like and rayfoss, it comes to the conclusion that those who are lucky received working lasers from them, while those unlucky people are just unlucky. :) They're not essentially different except the customer service, but either of them who has a better conscience when trading with each of us prevails over the other.

The reason why skylaser turned bad is coz they changed the supplier, from Scitower to a shoddy laser shops. Now what they're doing is to duplicate the good models they used to sell but sell them at even higher prices. Sadly the quality worsens a lot. And their imitating skill is also poor enough.

BTW, i guess the Jetlasers might be added to the "The Good List" much above if you test their lasers. Pity that they don't seem to give out much freebies for reviews. They might not retail much but they seem to have better pricing and better stability portables.
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According to the accumulated buying experiences with o-like and rayfoss, it comes to the conclusion that those who are lucky received working lasers from them, while those unlucky people are just unlucky. :) They're not essentially different except the customer service, but either of them who has a better conscience when trading with each of us prevails over the other.

I have to disagree, as I see many more negative reviews of O-like than I do Rayfoss. I do think they have equally good customer service though.

BTW, i guess the Jetlasers might be added to the "The Good List" much above if you test their lasers. Pity that they don't seem to give out much freebies for reviews. They might not retail much but they seem to have better pricing and better stability portables.

Never heard of them... I'll look around.
You can upload the pic to Photobucket, and post the link here. I think LPF even has a small photo host, but you can't upload bigger pictures to it.

I will upload the picture they sent me of the host when I get the laser and the accessories to do a review. They are shipping the accessories seperately, but the laser is supposed to arrive today:

DEKALB, IL, US 08/03/2010 8:05 A.M. OUT FOR DELIVERY
08/03/2010 8:00 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
08/03/2010 6:21 A.M. OUT FOR DELIVERY
08/03/2010 6:14 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
08/03/2010 5:03 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
08/03/2010 2:26 A.M. IMPORT SCAN
08/03/2010 1:27 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
08/03/2010 12:30 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
08/02/2010 3:33 P.M. DEPARTURE SCAN
08/02/2010 12:58 P.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
08/02/2010 12:58 P.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
INCHEON, KR 08/02/2010 10:40 P.M. DEPARTURE SCAN
08/02/2010 9:48 P.M. DEPARTURE SCAN
08/02/2010 8:41 P.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
08/02/2010 8:38 P.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
08/02/2010 4:06 P.M. DEPARTURE SCAN
08/02/2010 11:05 A.M. EXPORT SCAN
08/02/2010 11:05 A.M. ORIGIN SCAN

Tracking results provided by UPS: 08/03/2010 2:39 P.M. ET

So, I'm very excited to receive my laser. I don't know much about beam divergence, but some pros here say that the <1.7mrad could be better.
I would love to include as many specs as possible in my review, so I'll have to figure that bit out.

As for uploading the pictures, I'll opt for photobucket. I can't even figure out how to post a new thread here...
I'll be looking forward to the review! My laser is around 1.7mrad, and it bothered me at first but I'm fine with it now.
I have to disagree, as I see many more negative reviews of O-like than I do Rayfoss. I do think they have equally good customer service though.

Nvm. I also admit I saw more Negative review of O-LIKE than Rayfos.
But You also know that not every person buying from them is a LPF member; only a small group of people would write a review even if what they receive is a BAD laser. We cannot conclude simply upon the limited findings at this forum.
I have to disagree, as I see many more negative reviews of O-like than I do Rayfoss. I do think they have equally good customer service though.

Nvm. I also admit I saw more Negative review of O-LIKE than Rayfos.
But You also know that not every person buying from them is a LPF member; only a small group of people would write a review even if what they receive is a BAD laser. We cannot conclude simply upon the limited findings at this forum.

I know what you're saying... But I would think that the amount of good/bad reviews on this site would be proportional to the actual total of purchases there.
My laser arrived yesterday! I got home and was so excited. The only down side (so far, I won't get the battery for a few days) is that the threads on the cap of the laser don't catch very well, and I had to apply mild pressure to make them line up correctly. The goggles that it shipped with are quite nice.
I only wish that RadioShack or a store like BatteriesPlus carried the battery I need. :(
Once I get a battery, I'll use my friend's camera to take some pictures and post them in my review. I can't figure out how to post a new thread, though.
I'm pretty sure you can get 18650s out of phone chargers, but I wouldn't say it's worth it, lol. Right above all of the threads in a section, there should be a button over to the left that says "new thread".
I'm pretty sure you can get 18650s out of phone chargers, but I wouldn't say it's worth it, lol. Right above all of the threads in a section, there should be a button over to the left that says "new thread".

I may just be blind, but I'm not finding it. The battery is getting here in 4-6 days. I guess I'll just wait, as opposed to tearing up my valuable electronics. :p
Not that the charger works well, anyway...
Are you talking about portable ones that carry a charge, or just the wall plugs? I didn't know phone chargers had batteries in them.
As this will be my first review, are there any things I should know/include about my green laser? I will give out as much info as I can.
