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A gift from Microsoft

you can email the microsoft team to send you one :) go to the Microsoft Corporation website and see their microsoft assist email.

since you dont have any microsoft office in your area, then you can ask them that you are willing to promote that product.. they will send you a gift.

you can email the microsoft team to send you one :) go to the Microsoft Corporation website and see their microsoft assist email.

since you dont have any microsoft office in your area, then you can ask them that you are willing to promote that product.. they will send you a gift.

What do you mean by the assist email? I'm unaware of which email to send to....
the email assistance of microsoft depends on what country you are and what city and state. Ofcourse if you are from US you can email their Microsoft assistance team located at Microsoft Corporation
I figured i would jump on the Band Waggen also i emailed those addys and use you for a referal matrixcs, figured what the hell whats the worst that could Happen thay say No. and thanks for starting this thread

??? thats because you did not inform me yet. i only referred 3 persons.. but it is still subject to their approval thats why they told me that you have to coordinate on the nearest microsoft office in your area. you can find it on www.microsoft.com
well here in the philippines we still have some stocks left for our launching party event this coming Nov. 7.Sorry guys i was not able to reply for a week due to the schedules that the microsoft promotions team. so far i will be out again for another 2 weeks for the preparation of my b-day and the upcoming windows 7 launching party here in the PH.
