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a complain received by a customer for the newly 520nm green laser pointer

Still no sign of mine yet! I e-mailed Laserlands on Wednesday morning, no word back from them yet either. Hopefully it'll get sorted out. :)
They won't let me buy from them anymore, blocked me after I negged them for advertising one thing and sending a lessor quality unit.
Received a reply back from Merry at Laserlands last night. See below.

Merry <910009269@qq.com> Date Thu 18:37

I will send the VC to China post.
but frankly speaking, package to CA now takes about 2-2.5 monthes for arrival

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "adam.gordon";<adam.gordon@>;
发送时间: 2017年3月17日(星期五) 凌晨1:24
收件人: "Merry"<laserlands@gmail.com>;
抄送: "Merry"<910009269@qq.com>;
主题: Re: LPF Offer - 520nm laser

Hi Merry,

The review laser still hasn't arrived. It is now 40 days after the
original shipment date. Everyone else has apparently received their
units and did so weeks ago. The tracking still says in transit, the
status hasn't changed since February 8th.

Wednesday, 2017-02-08
4 days
12:53 PM
12:53 PM
11:17 AM

I did e-mail you a couple of weeks ago or so, but have had no answer.
Can you provide an update on this? Anything you can do, send another
unit? Contact China Post?


Well, i'm glad you have had a response there Diachi. Does it usually take 2-2.5 months to get items from China to Canada?
Plus you should have at least had some update on the tracking by now.
It doesn't look like Diachi is going to get his anytime soon GSS. :(
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I honestly don't think Diachi is going to receive it GSS. It is taking far too long for my liking. :(
Received a reply back from Merry at Laserlands last night. See below.

If you don't mind me chiming in, 2-2.5 months from China to Calif.?? Seems to be quite long. Find that highly suspect ? I live in Calif. and order a lot from China and never has taken that long. Usually 5-7 weeks is what I've found. That is for regular post. :thinking:
Diachi lives in Northern Canada, but still you are right. 2-2.5 months is too long.
Oooops, I took Ca. To be California. Sometime California is abbreviated to Ca. My bad :(
No bad:) I fell for it too when I saw CA in Laserlands "excuse" in diachi's request to them...
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Still no sign of it, sometimes things from China have taken around 2 months to arrive but not often. Still waiting on a set of heat shrink tubing from China that I ordered at the start of February, estimated delivery is anywhere between March 7th and April 3rd.

There haven't been any updates to the tracking for the Laserlands shipment since the last one at the start of February... Not going to hold my breath.
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