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a complain received by a customer for the newly 520nm green laser pointer

Glad it sorta made sense! :)

It doesn't really "change", it's just when you measure your end the other end must be the opposite. But until you either let the other end know your measurement or you take a measurement at the other end, it's still a superposition of both states at the other end, though if you measure it it'll always be the opposite state to the state measured at the other end ... but you don't know what they measured until you measure your end or they tell you what their result was... IIRC Quantum teleportation is a little different, and would involve a third particle, but the same limitations still apply.

My head hurts from thinking about it. :crackup: Interesting subject, but damn is it hard to grasp, even on a very basic level.
If I remember rightly though teleportation is exactly the same. The reason they use a third is to flip the data again. 1 becomes -1 and then becomes 1 again. I think we should discuss this further later on. I think we both have ideas on how it works, and we need more time to explain everything properly to eachother. I get what you are trying to say, but now teleportation doesn't make much sense according to those rules.

My head is beginning to hurt too. :crackup:

It is good that I can talk about this here though. :beer:

If I remember rightly though teleportation is exactly the same. The reason they use a third is to flip the data again. 1 becomes -1 and then becomes 1 again. I think we should discuss this further later on. I think we both have ideas on how it works, and we need more time to explain everything properly to eachother. I get what you are trying to say, but now teleportation doesn't make much sense according to those rules.

My head is beginning to hurt too. :crackup:

It is good that I can talk about this here though. :beer:

Agreed, this is suited for a different thread and a longer discussion. :p
I don't think it's impossible to communicate faster than light, I just don't think it's possible with our current understanding or technology. Same goes for "FTL" transit, that's theoretically possible. Warp drive for instance would allow for it, and that's theoretically possible, but you're not actually traveling faster than light, you're essentially compressing space so that you don't have to travel as far.

From an outside reference point you'd cover a distance in less time than it'd take light, thus it'd appear to be FTL, but from your reference point you're traveling a shorter distance slower than light.

Yep, space can expand, or be manipulated to allow faster than light travel, as long as you are not traversing space itself, fold it, surf it, no problem, just don't try transiting through the medium faster than light. There is a reason light cannot go faster than 186,000 miles a second and it's pure energy, matter, forget it. (matter is pure energy too, when I think about it, except it has data structures wrapped in it which causes a drag upon space).

OK, that's it for hijacking this thread further, shame on us, let it continue on for what it was meant for.

Alaskan out :)
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What just happened??:huh: I logged off for an hour:can::crackup: I'm all dizzy too now catching up....:o

@diachi, have you actually gone to the PO and not being able to pick it up, or just going by what's on the slip? Don't take it wrong;) because I think my slips have said the same:thinking:
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What just happened??:huh: I logged off for an hour:can::crackup: I'm all dizzy too now catching up....:o

@diachi, have you actually gone to the PO and not being able to pick it up, or just going by what's on the slip? Don't take it wrong;) because I think my slips have said the same:thinking:

I've gone to the PO and not been able to pick it up in the past! :(
Diachi have you even been able to think about it. :crackup:

GSS :D Catch up quick.
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LOL! if anything this "Twilight Zone" stuff should keep his mind busy:)
but my head is still spinning:eek:

The fricken package is there in the PO!! Where the else could it be!!:(
unless they want time to play with it themselves first:) They probably even set up the labbys...
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LOL! if anything this "Twilight Zone" stuff should keep his mind busy:)
but my head is still spinning:eek:

The fricken package is there in the PO!! Where the else could it be!!:(
unless they want time to play with it themselves first:) They probably even set up the labbys...

Next up... Multiverse theory! :D

Lol, hope they are having safe fun.

Wasn't the pointer :(. Was the HeNe supply from Jerry! Got a Flexdrive and 3 copper modules from DTR in my mailbox too ... now for the hosts and the PL515.

Maybe it'll show tomorrow? I need to check the tracking again... :p
Glad to see you got it...
Be careful to discharge the HeNe tube after
running it before you touch any electrical
contacts.. The tube acts like a big storage
capacitor and can bite you.:evil:

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Reactions: GSS
GSS, the only thing I can think is you negged the wrong person, just got this neg to my member name:


What happened, did they sell you a 1 watt 532nm and you didn't get it, or ? I won't buy from them, all of the lasers I bought from them in the past were far less power than advertised, but that was four years ago, maybe they have started to be more accurate in their listings now, except for your neg, was that meant for them? No way that could have been meant for me, we don't have any dealings.
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GSS, the only thing I can think is you negged the wrong person, just got this neg to my member name:


What happened, did they sell you a 1 watt 532nm and you didn't get it, or ? I won't buy from them, all of the lasers I bought from them in the past were far less power than advertised, but that was four years ago, maybe they have started to be more accurate in their listings now, except for your neg, was that meant for them? No way that could have been meant for me, we don't have any dealings.
Oh no, was meant as a rep?????????:undecided::wtf:
was just a corny rep message. No one sold me a bad 532..This has happened quite a few times???Sorry my friend :anyone:
Edit: OK I understand now, you meant if I figure out how to win the lottery. If I do, I will send you one, no problem. I have accidentally negged twice now, Olympus Mons was one, it was horrible I did that to him but we made up for the error later.
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Edit: OK I understand now, you meant if I figure out how to win the lottery. If I do, I will send you one, no problem. I have accidentally negged twice now, Olympus Mons was one, it was horrible I did that to him but we made up for the error later.
Ok, thanks for understanding:beer: but I still think its the system at times making the mistake. Its a horrible feeling thats for sure:o

I did it to RB once and didn't notice till 2 weeks later:can:
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The system has recently returned a no choice to me when it normally gives a default of plus, so it can be qwerky.
Glad to see you got it...
Be careful to discharge the HeNe tube after
running it before you touch any electrical
contacts.. The tube acts like a big storage
capacitor and can bite you.:evil:


Already aware, but thanks for the warning anyway! :beer:

Just waiting on my parts from Meredith now.
