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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

a complain received by a customer for the newly 520nm green laser pointer

Long wait rewarded!!


No, you've got it wrong Arctic. It arrived before next year, so it was a good 6 and a half months too early. :crackup:
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Laserlands won't let me buy anything from them because I left bad feed back on ebay :( They are right to do that, save me from being ripped off again!
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You got it?????????????

I sure did, only took 3 months too! :crackup:

Wait, it isn't 2018 yet!!!! :thinking:

If that is you saying you've received it Diachi, then congratulations. Do you want a badge for patience. :D

It probably arrived in 2018 by which time I've invented a time machine, so I sent it back to the present. :D

I think I've earned a patience badge, seeing as you're offering anyway! :p :beer:

If I remember you bought 16340's specificly for this unit?:thinking: Are they still holding a charge:whistle:

I did, but they also fit one of my smaller 532nm pointers (which I originally thought needed 1x 18650) that takes just the one, so it ended up working out. :beer:
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I'm more interested in how Alaskan was screwed by Laserlands. I've heard of people being black balled by sellers for leaving negative feedback. I have always either gotten my problems resolved and allowed to continue to purchase, or have been black balled myself. Not for leaving negative feedback, but for insisting on a refund and eventually getting one. In their cases I didn't care as i had no intention of purchasing from them again.
I did find one thing they couldn't misrepresent, couldn't buy it, blocked.
That's too bad. I wouldn't want to be locked from purchasing from a seller i have purchased from many times.
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Laserlands won't let me buy anything from them because I left bad feed back on ebay :( They are right to do that, save me from being ripped off again!
Just how harsh of a negative feed back did you give?:thinking: It had to be bad to get black balled:eek:
So Diachi when you first saw the box did you think it was something else? and what do you think of it?
So Diachi when you first saw the box did you think it was something else? and what do you think of it?

I was kinda hoping that $9 400mW RGB had shown up already. :crackup: Realized pretty quickly that it was the 520 pointer when I read the customs label which said "pen".
Now it's time to change update your sig;) So it was held up in customs?
Now it's time to change update your sig;) So it was held up in customs?

I don't think it was held up in customs, I was just talking about the "declaration" sheet or whatever that the sender adds before sending out the package. :) Just took forever to arrive, it's not the first time something has taken 3 months to come from China!

And yes, I do need to update my signature now, thanks for the reminder! I'll need to get a review in this weekend when I have some time too. :)
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I was a repeat offender, that's why they blocked me. Negged them twice.
Well at least you have finally got it Diachi. I would of given up waiting!

Repeat offender. Mustn't neg a company more than once otherwise :banned: :p
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