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a complain received by a customer for the newly 520nm green laser pointer

You're still waiting. It sure does take a while to get to your location. I hope you receive it soon.
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Well, my batteries showed up today. Looks like I ordered two sets, I thought I only ordered two batteries. Bonus!

I also had a slip in the mail for pickup tomorrow, so maybe that's it. Had some other stuff in there - perhaps they couldn't fit the pointer?
Well, you can always do with more batteries. :p Funny, you've gone from not having any to too many. :D
That slip sounds promising, fingers crossed.
Well, you can always do with more batteries. :p Funny, you've gone from not having any to too many. :D
That slip sounds promising, fingers crossed.

Yeah! Worked out well actually, means I'll have enough for that little 532 I have (can finally review that!) and the 520 when it shows up.

I do still have a bunch of other stuff on the way, so it could be that stuff that's shown up. We'll find out tomorrow - I need to go downtown for a lunch meeting anyway, so I can pick it up after that! :)
Yeah! Worked out well actually, means I'll have enough for that little 532 I have (can finally review that!) and the 520 when it shows up.

I do still have a bunch of other stuff on the way, so it could be that stuff that's shown up. We'll find out tomorrow - I need to go downtown for a lunch meeting anyway, so I can pick it up after that! :)
Ok what the news???????????:)
Haha, you'll both need to wait a bit longer. They won't let you pick it up until after 1PM, it's currently 8:40AM. Will update when I get to the post office around 1:30PM. :)
Man diachi, you just can't seem to win?? What is it with Canadian PO's?
I use to pick up my pink slips at 8:30 when the counter doors opened but just found out 2 years later they have a side door and can ring the bell and get my packages at 8:00.
When your excited for something that extra 30 minutes sure helps:)
I've been trying to figure out how to do a double slit output experiment and telegraph the winning numbers into the past, depending upon whether the wave function is collapsed or not... but I suppose there is no hope for that, someone would have already built something like that... or, maybe they did and were quietly off'd.

You might wonder how that would help me now? Well, now will be the past someday, and if I perfect the process, I can send the winning numbers to myself from the future :p
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Man diachi, you just can't seem to win?? What is it with Canadian PO's?
I use to pick up my pink slips at 8:30 when the counter doors opened but just found out 2 years later they have a side door and can ring the bell and get my packages at 8:00.
When your excited for something that extra 30 minutes sure helps:)

Yeah, pain in the ass, especially living in an apartment, always get left slips. They always have "Pickup: Next day after 1PM" checked off on them. That said, half the time I get the slip and it's dated for the day before, so only need to wait an hour or two in that case, as I don't get mail until noon anyway.
I've been trying to figure out how to do a double slit output experiment and telegraph the winning numbers into the past, depending upon whether the wave function is collapsed or not... but I suppose there is no hope for that, someone would have already built something like that... or, maybe they did and were quietly off'd.

You might wonder how that would help me now? Well, now will be the past someday, and if I perfect the process, I can send the winning numbers to myself from the future :p

Unfortunately not. The closest we could ever get is this. Just for fun. This is highly theoretical and probably wouldn't work either.

Suppose we have two planets at a distance of 0.1 lyr away doing the lottery. Planet 1 releases numbers at Time 0 and Planet 2 aligns its release exactly 0.1 years after. This way the information release to their respective populations would be the same. Multi-planet lottery. :p
How can Planet 2 cheat.
Step 1:
Generate entangled photons, send one set out to Planet 1 0.1 years in advance. (so they arrive on time of course) And then circulate the other set for 0.2 years.
Step 2: Do it so somehow (I don't know how) that when Planet 1 observes the winning numbers the wave-function collapses. Then instantly the wave-function of the entangled photons would show the opposite states to the other.
Step 3: Invert the string generated from the entangled photons.
Step 4: Wait 0.1 years and then play your numbers.

You should then win Planet 2's lottery. :whistle:
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