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FrozenGate by Avery

A-140 vs. M-140 vs. H1600

well ive been setting the driver to 1200ma for my m-140 a it works until i cycle power to the driver board then destroys the diode,is this a faulty driver? ive killed 3 so far like this!

Is the polarity properly oriented to the diode? What’s your Source of your diodes? Are you grounding yourself when you handle the diodes? Are you dumping the driver’s capacitor prior to attaching the diode to the driver? Is this driver an efficient regulator of CURRENT?
Ive just noticed my m-140m looses a lot of power after its been on for a second,turn it off and back on it does the same,any ideas?,its driven at 1.8a from the driver board which is powered from a 30amp bench psu.
Hi, Try using a host with batteries the driver might be out of regulation due to not being heat sinked on the IC

thats a stupid answer on both counts! a the psu is stabilized with a capacity of 30+amps plus the diode hasnt time to overheat its in a copper heatsink!
the power supply is a 0-30v 0-30 amp homebrew linear using a lm723 ic etc,the output is clean,i connect the driver after the psu is turned on just in case for that reason.
forgot to mention the diodes are from a casi0 xj-a135 projector i think they are 140m diodes but after killing them im not so sure,anyone confirm this?
Hi, Please use the EDIT button you keep double posting here at LPF it's a no no. And please do not use the words like Ca$$!0 in your posts.
Thank you Rich:)
so i will say casio then,thought the copyright crap was bs!,dont bother to reply unless you have an answer relevant to the question asked,its a anoyance and waste of time.!!!!
so i will say casio then,thought the copyright crap was bs!,dont bother to reply unless you have an answer relevant to the question asked,its a anoyance and waste of time.!!!!
Have you been taking your meds lately?? Or are you always just a ***s??
Mods this moron has been insulting everyone from day one.. No room for him here..
