It's so crazy to hear you say that because I have been a flashlight enthusiast since I was in 1st grade getting my first flashlight from a school gift area, I bought 3 if I remember correctly, when I did that I was hooked, slowly over the course of 2 decades going up in power and overall lumens as life went a long, I've always known about Candlepowerforums but never joined, and to this day I don't even know why. I signed up for this forum within a week of buying my first laser. I can't explain why some people do the things they do but light has always been my obsession and by the looks of things, I would say my fascination for lasers overpowers my fascination for flashlights. I guess the point of this short story is to say I hope I don't abandon lasers for a new hobby, but since I love light so much, something tells me I'm here to stay. The many great people of this forum pretty much make this forum what it is, a wonderful place to be :beer: