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465nm closed can 2.6w rated diode

I'm interested in how the divergence compares and of course how far up the wavelength scale it will go.
Yeah, I've noticed there are a lot of diodes popping up that I don't recognize. I'm not in the position of throwing the money out there to test but it doesn't mean I wouldn't like too. Looking forward to seeing the findings.
There's plenty of diodes right now but what is really bothering me is all the drivers I normally buy from Flaminpyro are out of stock and it's not looking good for any replacements anytime soon. I've got numerous opportunities to build pen lasers but I need adjustable rectangle small x-boost drivers along with some other x-drives. It's not looking good for us builders unless someone else knows other sources. Don't know what Jordan has and is willing to sell since he needs them for his own business.

Hi Pman,
I've noticed how scarce boost drivers are myself, had to use a buck and two 18350's on my last build because I couldn't find a 2.4a boost.
Wow, Pman. I'm glad I stocked up on X-Drives awhile back. I've got another LPC-840 coming and I am also going to get the M462 from Jordan soon. I have an 1.8 amp X-Drive I was planning on using for that one.

Thought this was interesting and hoped someone has tried this diode by now.
Would you guys still go for a NUBM07E?
I just bought another NUBM44 and a NUBM08 and SXD drivers, lenses, plus 2 more of Sanwu's excellent 3X expanders so I may wait and see results on this one, I like pretty colors and good beam specs but I have become a power junkie, now show me a 15 watt 450nm for under 300.00 and I be first on the list. :beer:
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