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4 watt 405


Dec 1, 2014
Just heard Aixiz has some that just came in. Anyone know something about these?

And what did this email say? and why did he email YOU specifically?

And what did this email say? and why did he email YOU specifically?


He said he may get some someday soon. I asked him to write me if he gets them.
Short message

"I have the units ready." I just wrote for a link and prices.
I'm afraid they will be multi mode, if he has then, but I'm going to search for high speed commercial bluray writers anyway. A 4w 405 single mode would be amazing if made to write on disc, even if it was 4x as big and lensed down.
I remember Pi R Squared mentioning his 400mW 405nm will start to burn most materials within a matter of seconds. 4W of 405nm would be incredibly dangerous, and I would assume would instantly start burning your wall when pointed at it.

While fun, extreme caution needs to be taken :yh:

Caution must be taken with any laser over 5mw, people let familiarity breed contempt, for me handling more powerful lasers keeps me on my toes regardless of the power.
Safety First. :beer:
I would honestly be quite surprised if they actually exist regardless of divergence. Me wants though.
If they do exist one I want to see the data sheet. Is it supposed to be a 5W diode or be able to output 5W.
No joke.

Email came from Chuck Maricle
I'll try calling and find out more in the morning
David, curious how you got a lead on these 4 watt 405nm laser diodes? I see no mention of it on his web site: www.aixiz.net

I emailed him back in Oct. Asked him to let me know if such a thing comes along.
Got an mail yesterday. I also don't see it on the site. I just sent an email. I'll try calling in the morning.
Surprised me! Hoping someone here knew about them already.
