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FrozenGate by Avery

3.56W 445 Laser on ebay

Well I'm subscribed to your channel so I'll keep an eye out for it. Also would there be a price drop if we just bought a 3W laser without the battery's or charger or glasses as I already own all of these and don't need any extras?

Well I'm subscribed to your channel so I'll keep an eye out for it. Also would there be a price drop if we just bought a 3W laser without the battery's or charger or glasses as I already own all of these and don't need any extras?

Ya I wouldn't want any of those items either. I have my own :beer:

I really wish each thread was a chat room... Same interface for the threads, but a chatroom that keeps history... Ideas would be over in minutes and not days...
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I didn't see any difference between the g1 and g2 at all, or if there is one, it's not really noticeable. Afaik it's the same exact lens, just mounted different.

@DTR - How can a lens amplify the output :thinking:

Yea the G-1 and G-2 have on average the same pass with slight variations from lens to lens. They are just two lenses that pretty much do the same thing.

That is what I mean. It can't.:p
Hey, for future reference you can post videos directly like this
That's pretty impressive how the lenses you have outperform the G's. I wonder how well they'll work on 405's too :)
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Seen the video and am about to buy one for testing it against a Casio 9mm lens and G2 and if it out performs them which it looks like it will, then I'll keep it. I'll also do a video with lpm test. Sound good?

Order placed.
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Well if you're trying to put the youtube video in, avoid the html code tab, but otherwise it's the <> symbol in the editor.
if you're just putting the video in, put the ID in the youtube tags
