You must have misunderstood me.. I wasn't asking you to build me some boards.. I was just offering to send you some components, so that you could draw the circuits and build them for yourself, and share the transfer pics.
I want to make my own. I just won't have time to
draw the boards myself untill June or so, because i'm preparing a lecture for a conference at the moment, as well as building a second batch of prototypes for a big customer at the same time! The prototypes have to be finished just a week after the lecture.

I'm having trouble finding time to breathe in between.
I was just hoping, that if i send you the parts you are missing, you would be more motivated to draw the modified circuits, since then you could use them yourself..

I can still send you some inductors if you need them. Looks like i have enough.
Otherwise, my company could have these produced, but it probably wouldn't be worth it. It is hard to make something like this and sell it at a low price with profit. Dr_Lava is doing an amazing job, selling circuits like this for only $20. If i wanted to do these, the PCBs would end up being very cheap, but due to a minimum order, i would get HUNDREDS of them. And the best thing to do would be to have the components assembled in the factory. That means buying hundreds of each of the components up front. In the end, an individual driver would be cheap, but the investment wouldn't. And who would buy such a large number of boards?

My company mainly does custom designed electronics - when someone wants something, that doesn't exist...
EDIT: Oh, i see now why you misunderstood me. I wrote "as long as i get to use the circuit in the end". I meant the circuit drawings.