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2x Green Projectors FS

Dec 1, 2008
I have 2x 1W green projectors to sell to help finance other laser purchases.. Each Projector has DT40 Pro scanners and >1W CNI MGL-H Green laser. Projectors also have the Stanwax ILDA Board installed. This is the perfect starter laser to grow to RGB yourself. BIG 10mm baseplate and plenty of room for more lasers inside. If someone buys both I will also include a spare 1W MGL-H green laser for free. Id like to get $1000 each or $2000 for both + free MGL-H. Both lasers also come with a roadcase with wheels.. These lasers have been through allot, over a year on the road doing paint parties every week. I cleaned them up pretty good and fixed anything that was broken... Only issue to point out is that one of them has MOD problems.. both lasers come in at over 1W CW but when one plays a que the power is about 300mw less than the other laser.

I've got too many and I dont use these 2 anymore since I tore the red and blue lasers out.







Here's a video from when these used to be RGB...they are the center 2 lasers of the 5 I had on stage that night.

I only really need cash for these, No trades.

Thanks for looking,
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BUMP for my buddy Brooks


WOW Brooks!!

thats one SWEET sweet pair of PJs you offer--

only wish I could grab both these but I am still in recovery from SELEM(~500$ in expenses) and the LSO course(another $ 445 plus $100 for the textbook & as i did not pass I need to find 100$ to take the exam over so...)
I would be all over one of those if...

The scanner set- one of the best in its price range.
getting the flight case with- super - you will need one if you take the PJ anywhere ever.

Brooks and crew have been at this for some time- he knows his stuff and I would feel 100% at ease buying from him- Now with 2W 445 blue cheap ( or dual cube two to get 3.5W so Much cheaper than 473s)- and new 638s coming out at lower than ever prices SOMEBODY will end up with a VERY pro Full Color PJ-- (or two)The green in these is enough to make a 5 or 6W projector. These will not be up at Feeebay very long.

1 W analog 532s were more than $1000 not all that long ago.

I count 10 fans(so far)- KEWL-- eer I mean COOL.
unless I am mistaken the 532 in both these is analog modulation.
that is needed to have a FULL COLOR projector.

Whoever jumps on these can get Pangolin QS direct from me at lowest USA prices/ 498$ plus small ship fee.

get that or Lava's LSX both are awesome soft.

As buying cheaper soft is a big waste to $$$.

Go the KGB site to see more pics and when the next DayGlo Paint Party will happen close to you.
here> http://kgblasers.com/

if you go to one who can meet Brooks or his traveling crew (or both).



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Thanks for the kind words....

Ill also throw in some dichro mounts if anyone buys both... Here are some pics of the mounts and also the free 1W green laser..




Thanks for looking,
the deal keeps getting better-- those mounts are killer- and needed items to rebuild to RGB--

please link the ebay when you list it--Len
DANG!!- well you gotta do what you gotta do-- maybe you could edit and bump up both the BIN and the opening bid- you can always go back- re-edit and lower both later..

I am working on funding but its still IFFY -good to know that if I can pull this off- i wont need to pay for shipping as I am wanting to see your paint-party show anyway next time it comes to Houston- went up to see the last one but it had to be canelled-


PM coming--

************ up date- just learned a good kidney goes for more thn 2000$ hmmm nah JK and I have friends that may someday need a kidney-

Mr Brooks- I may have found a way to help us both out--see PM sent just now please-pull the ebay listing-you can always put it back should I fail--Len
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I may have found the funds--can you pull the ebay listing for just 24 hours// TY
Me 2 :)

Couldn't have gone to a nicer guy.. Im sure he will love them.

I guess I should have posted that these are SOLD now.

I hate to jinx things when they are going so well.. but YEAH -- S O L D !!!

To Peter and Brooks- you both are first-rate friends--


There is another member who, without , I would not be making this post.

His name is Pierre and he is a fellow Texan living around two hours from me.

We have only PMed a very few times when he sent me a message that made my day (week/year/decade) he wrote that he could tell i wanted these projectors that Brooks KGB needed to sell-

I posted in the FS thread mainly to give friend Brooks some bumps- short story-- I met with Pierre- did some demos of a few JETLASERS-(EQ 532 and PL-E 532) a LaserKing LK PD2 and Pangoilin Quick Show. There were other items but these were the big ones.

AFTER... we went to Pierre's bank- he got a cashiers check made out to KGB. wow I must be living right to be so lucky!!

So.. Pierre can take his time picking what he wants to keep and what I will buy back should he want that option- he is under no obligation to keep any of it- BUT I have never did a DEMO of QS AND a LaserKing projector where both were not wanted.

Its great that i will be getting these PJs but the best part was getting such a great friend=-=Pierre--

I will be at the PO when they open Monday to overnight the check to Brooks-- who also was VERY kind to pull his ebay listing and allowing me a few days.

also thanks Avery and the LPF community- you ALL ROCK!!!

cheerZ!! Len
Thanks for the kind words. But it was nothing really. This forum and it's members have treated me so well. Just wanted to give back and help in anyway possible. :beer:
Cant +4 you just yet- but you sure have that coming-
its killing me that I must wait for a time when KGB is doing a gig closer to me so i can avoid spendy ship costs and not worry about damage- I may have a way to pick them up when KGB comes next to austin or san antonio- I have forum friend in both cities that I want to finally meet in person and we can discuss TEXLEM 2014 too.

So aside from Pierre i have many at this fine forum who have helped me many times and especially to those who did my GBs- which ATM I have several on-going- dichros and other optics-(Lase ever) galvo scanner sets(Laserphoto) and six projectors to choose from (LaserKings)-- my REKE 500 RGB is up for sale too-- PM anytime- open 24/7......hak
