Re: Key Chain Blu-ray... With FlexDrive!
jayrob said:
Ok Igor, using my DMM in place of the tail cap, I just took some measurements from both builds using a fresh charged battery, compared with a weak battery...
Current draw from battery:
PHR blu-ray set at 117mA's - 212mA's steady with a fresh battery, 250mA's and climbing fast with a weak battery.
Cool, thanks!
Looks like my calculations were a little low for the PHR. If i calculate for 117mA PHR on full battery i get an 183mA current draw (assuming 3.9V battery voltage under load and 5.2V Vf).
You measured 212mA, so either the battery sags more under load or the PHR's Vf is higher. Or a little of both. Or the FlexDrive efficiency is not actually 90%! I guess i should test it.
jayrob said:
1239JL-54 red set at 275mA's - 315mA's steady with a fresh battery, 365mA's and climbing fast with a weak battery.
I guess with a weak battery, the FlexDrive tries to draw more current to make up for the drop in voltage needed huh? :-?
Exactly. That's what i was trying to explain before. A switching driver will have to draw a certain amount of POWER, not current. Since P = U x I, the lower U gets, the higher I has to be, for the power draw to stay the same.... That's the only way a switching driver can keep a constant output..
It's different than with linear drivers.
jayrob said:
Anyway, maybe this information will help in your run time calculations for these settings...
Yea, it looks like i should measure the Flexy's efficiency at 3V out and 5V out, and use proper Vf data for calculations. Knowing the battery voltage under load would help as well. I can do these tests, when i get the tiny batteries.....
jayrob said:
P.S. It looks like the red at 275mA's, is going to have less battery run time, than the blu-ray at 117mA's. Even though the blu-ray diode needs more voltage.
Yeah, that's because the PHR is at a lower power.
When did you raise the red to 275mA? At this current it will definitelly draw more than a PHR at 117mA.... My calculations on the previous page were for a
red at 180mA. Did i misunderstand something there? Was i calculating for the wrong diode/laser?
What i said there was, that a
117mA PHR is a heavier load than a
180mA red... But you also said you made a 200mW red, and 180mA is not enough for that even with an AR coated acrylic, so i guess i was calculating for the wrong laser? :-?
Anyway, basically, it's like this. All these diodes have a similar efficiency. In this case i'm talking about actual efficiency - electrical power IN vs. optical power OUT. Their efficiency is something like 17-20% after a plastic lens (plastic lens reduces efficiency of the system). Raw efficiency is obviously higher.
To make it more confusing, the losses in clear lenses are much higher with blu rays than reds, if you use the AR coated lens in a red and a clear in a blu the difference becomes even greater....
But if we ignore that, the fact that their efficiency is similar means this:
- If you have a red putting out 200mW and a blu putting out 200mW, their POWER consumption (voltage times current) will be almost the same.
Of course we all know that PHRs vary in efficiency quite a lot. Reds are more advanced and thus more consistent, but they do vary as well.
In the calculations, i had to make some numbers up:
- The Vf of your diodes (their voltage at that current)
- The voltage of a full battery under load.
- I assumed 90% as FlexDrive efficiency, altho it will be a bit more with Blu Rays and a bit less with reds (the higher the output voltage, the higher the efficiency)
If i had the first two values, i could make a much more accurate calculation for the current draw on a full battery. Like i said when doing those calcs, they were just approximations at best, with a lot of guesses involved. It was all very simplified. I didn't want to ask you to take the builds appart and measure voltage across the diodes..
But now that you have a 200mW red with an AR coated lens, it will again require a bit less power than a 200mW 6x Blu ray, due to the blu ray using a clear plastic lens. Did you make a 200mW 6x keychain blu? I'm getting confused with all these different diodes at different currents.