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FrozenGate by Avery

$25 PHR modules with drivers

Aug 30, 2008
My completed modules, the next 15 sold will be $25 shipped. Check the thread in my sig.

Might as well just buy from you, just to part it out.
I want to build a laser module my self.
I have a nice diode press and a sweet test load, plus a new iron.
It's just that your prices are so dang low.
How do you do it?
Buy in bulk.
For $25 ea. thats cheaper than the parts themselves at normal price.
If i screw up my build ill probably buy one from you. Thats soooo cheap. Besides i hate soldering
Great Price:gj:
i said at normal price...not what i pay for them :)

I certainly don't make much off these, i think if the profits were broke down into an hourly wage, it would be slave wages.

sometimes i question the amount of time i devote to lasers...and stressing over getting orders built and shipped. Maybe when i finish college i can kick back and just buy crap, instead of selling it.
Yes i do, but i don't carry them on me...as dr.lava is not much for bulk discounts...
it's $45 for the flex drive modules (phr and LOC)
i said at normal price...not what i pay for them :)

I certainly don't make much off these, i think if the profits were broke down into an hourly wage, it would be slave wages.

sometimes i question the amount of time i devote to lasers...and stressing over getting orders built and shipped. Maybe when i finish college i can kick back and just buy crap, instead of selling it.

perhaps you should reconsider your sales techniques then?

I enjoy selling items for a profit or small loss just because I know in the long run it will expand the laser popularity. Which will in turn either make lasers for me crazy cheap or make lasers crazy cheap for all my customers.

hello, i am searching for all part to make an hig power laser, (wanted a 500mW laser in 635nm)

ideali to cut expansed polystyrene, to make plane

do you can help me? (i am noob in laser but i have some base in electiciti (cars electriciti))
sorry for poor english i speak french
