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>200mW High Powered Green Laser Comparison

Nov 5, 2007
So you are on a budget and you want to buy a high powered green laser eh? Well There are a couple of option out there to say the least. If you are on a tight budget I am sure you have already shopped out the Rayfoss 250mW IR filtered, the O-like Bargain 400mW (non IR- Filtered) and the Sky Lasers (focalprice) 200mW.
I will also throw in an Optotronics RPL 350mW for kicks. After all they are the favorite laser amongst the laser enthusiast who can afford the Ferrari of lasers.

Prices with shipping:

Rayfoss 250mW = $303+$31 (return shipping)=$334
O-Like 400mW (non IR filtered)= $377
Focal Price 200mW = $243+$31 (return shipping)=$274
Optotronics RPL 350mW= $1078

Well I have recently purchased one of each to do a little comparison/review. I have not informed any of the companies of my intentions to compare all of them up against eachother so the lasers I receive should be just as random as anyone else buying one. As soon as they all arrive I will give detailed review of every aspect of these lasers.

First arrival is Rayfoss:

So after much anticipation the laser has arrived. Rayfoss was also nice enough to include a few freebies. AWESOME. This is the EXACT same laser as the O-like bargain 250 only this one has a filter.

Rayfoss 250

Peak output: ?
Average output: ?
beam diameter @ aperture: 2mm
Divergence: 1.6mrad
Sexiness: 4/10
Mode: TEM02
Safety features: Aperture cover, key lock, IR filter, led indicator light, start up delay.
Other pros/cons: CHEAP. FAST SHIPPING.
NOTES: I was unable to get a power measurement on this laser as I sent my meter out to laserSbee for a trade. I am sorry but I could not stand to see this laser out of mode and it only seemed to be putting out 200mW so I took it completely apart and gave it an overhaul. I adjusted the current until the mode went into tem00. Seems it was being underdriven!!!! The laser is now in perfect tem00 and appears MUCH brighter. It is equal in brightness to the RPL350 however the beam diameter is much larger. So it is different.
Other modifications: The led indicator light is too darn bright. It has been removed. Also The button looks kind of Huge and Bright red so.....It has been removed. I now call this laser the "Black Stallion" It is all black without a touch of color anywhere. To turn it on simply turn the key. To to it off just turn the key again. I am working on finding an all black rear clicky that will fit.




Second & Third are in:

RPL 350

Peak output: 425mW
Average output: 380mW
beam diameter @ aperture: 1.3mm
Divergence: 1mrad
Sexiness: 10/10
Mode: TEM00
Safety features: Aperture cover, key lock, IR filter, led indicator light.
Other pros/cons: Light weight, Power Selector tail cap.



"SKY 200"
These are the SKY manufacturers rejects. Skylasers.com are a US distributer and have strict QC policies. They are two separate beasts. I have owned both and know from experience.

Peak output: 92mW
Average output: 70mW
beam diameter @ aperture: 5mm
Divergence: adjustable down to 1.8mrad
Sexiness: 5/10
Mode: TEMGod only knows
Safety features: Aperture cover, key lock, kill switch, led indicator light.
Other pros/cons: Very long, very low powered, has minor blemishes like it has been used, lots of scatter around the dot. Adjustable focus.



Rayfoss on the left compared with RPL.


Peak output: 320mW (532nm output)
Average output: 290mW (532nm output)
beam diameter @ aperture: 2mm
Divergence: 1.4mrad
Sexiness: 4/10
Mode: TEM00
Safety features: Aperture cover, key lock, 2 second delay, led indicator light.
Other pros/cons: Best bang for buck. Ships in 2 separate package for customs safety this also means a long wait.


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You bought one of each? Holy crap! That will be an awesome review, I can't wait to see it. I'm mainly interested in seeing if that CNI 400mW is way over spec like RA_pierces is, and also the differences between that and the O-like 400mW.
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I will be very interested to see how they test and compare as I have one of those (not saying what 1 just yet) on its way to me that intend to review when it gets here :)

As an LPF member's post count goes up so does the money the spend on lasers :). Maybe you can sell the crappier ones in the B/S/T section for cheap.
As an LPF member's post count goes up so does the money the spend on lasers :). Maybe you can sell the crappier ones in the B/S/T section for cheap.
This is so true!
As a habit I usually end up selling my non-keepers for a huge discount but in this case I will probably just offer them up for the price I paid + shipping to LPF members or try ebay. It also depends on how well they test.
Looking forward to the review! I wish I had the money to test out high powered lasers! I haven't even seen a 200mW green laser before, so I'm sure that 400mW CNI will be awesome.
Styro? Are you serious? What the heck kind of a laser-o-holic are you? You really need to get a high powered greeny man. They are the best thing in the world.
You have a power meter right? I remember you saying before about needing one. Did you end up getting one?
Yeah I have one. I am workin on Aquiring a somewhat large IR filter.....anyone know where I can get one?
Yeah I have one. I am workin on Aquiring a somewhat large IR filter.....anyone know where I can get one?

No I don't. I need one also. I've seen this one from Opto, but you have to order a minimum of $20 to place an order. I might be able to have Jack slip some in with my RPL on its way back. That's assuming he has some on hand. Anyone else find some for a good price?
I checked all the usual laser websites and didn't find any.

I haven't checked recently, but NOVA used to sell IR filters... $10 a piece.
I'm pretty sure they are coated for 532nm, but it couldn't hurt to ask.
They aren't "large" but they do a good job of filtering out IR.

And I too am looking forward to the review.
Styro? Are you serious? What the heck kind of a laser-o-holic are you? You really need to get a high powered greeny man. They are the best thing in the world.
Yeah...I have a 170mW greenie so that was close enough for me...I've just been too cheap to get anything better. I hope I'll be able to afford one soon.

As for IR filters, make sure you factor in for green loss when you take measurements with the IR filter. I've seen a lot of members making the mistake of just subtracting the green after filter from the total output to find IR leakage, but in reality the IR filter will cut somewhere around 5% of green.

If you're lucky there might be one in "the box" that someone could send you off turn.
