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FrozenGate by Avery

$20 free, has this happened to anyone?

Jun 28, 2007
I just got a pmt, and it makes no sense to me, but it is a nice thing to get, if mysterious....

I was sent $20 tonight, and there is no email or physical address to send a question or thank you :angel: to. Here's what I do have:

Transaction Details

OK to complete the transaction

Payment Status: Completed What should I do now?

  • Contact the buyer to confirm the purchase
  • Save all correspondence with the buyer

Following these guidelines can help protect you if a claim is filed for an unauthorized payment or items not received.
Tips to sell securely
Seller Protection:Not Eligible
Protection for items not received

Transactions without a shipping address aren't eligible for seller protection. We recommend that you contact PayPal Australia Pty Ltd to make sure this payment was authorized. For more information, see our tips to sell securely.

We have no shipping address on file.

Payment Received (Unique Transaction ID #2ND53338MT020614A)
Business Name:
PayPal Australia Pty Ltd Payment Sent to:

scopeguy20@gmail.com Amount received:
$20.00 USD Fee amount:
$0.00 USD Net amount:
$20.00 USD
Dec 15, 2009 Time:
16:15:10 PST Status:
PayPal Australia Pty Ltd has just sent you $20.00 USD with PayPal Custom Note:
US APAC number 2 eDM promotion 21Oct - 17Nov 2009 Payment Type:

Anybody got one, or any clues?

I got the same thing!!! I have already gladly spent half of it but have no clue what it is for.
Haha Yobresal. Maybe someone's giving you guys donations for all your hard work.
Thanks fellas. Glenn I hope we can solve this mystery. It's kinda weird.
here is an excerpt from the Paypal tranny.

PayPal Australia Pty Ltd has just sent you $20.00 USD with PayPal
Custom Note:
US APAC number 2 eDM promotion 21Oct - 17Nov 2009
Payment Type:
did you make any purchases between the dates of oct 21 - nov 17? from what i just googled it may have been a 20$ back on purchase promotion but theres no way to know for sure..
Last edited:
My mistake, I accidently sent those out. Could you please return the payment to me. Please PM me for my PayPal email address. ;)
@ Drivinfast247, Man, you swiped my idea :scowl: But it WAS a GOOD ONE :D
:thanks: :wave:.................. rob
Man I didn't get anything, and I made an $80 DX order on October 25. Shouldn't I qualify for the $20 cash?
