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1930 Eveready Penlight [Pic Heavy]

Aug 22, 2013
I was looking for a unique host I could use for my first pen build. When I found this but I'm not sure that I want to use it for a laser:



This is the "switch"

The inside of the switch, still not 100% sure how this works exactly...

The only markings on the case, kind of neat that it has the patent number on it.

The pen holds 2 AA's and feels pretty weighty for it's size

And here's where the conflict comes in:

It works! The switch is a bit touchy but I think that just comes from me not knowing how it really works. So what do you think, strip the paint, polish it and make it a 450? Or keep it as a penlight?

EDIT: I decided to polish it and drop a red diode in it. Admittedly red is not my favorite, nor was it my first choice, but I think it's very classy. I hope to have it done in the next 2 weeks or so.

After fighting with the Dremel for a few hours I'm thinking maybe I'm expecting too much. Or I just need to accept that I'm doing something wrong. Take a look at the polished back half of the pen:


This is where I'm thinking I need to accept the fact that I'm using a Dremel and not a buffing wheel or some pointers... All I did was change the angle of the light source.

Same thing in the next few pictures only the light source was moved or changed.


I put a piece of paper so you can see the clarity of the reflected word "NOTES"

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Research the value....it might be worth more than you think.
Clear coat it! preserve that antiqueness! that's where the value is at. cool find BTW
Check before you coat anything antique. Nonprofessionally treating almost any antique reduces value rather than preserves it.
This is true. Im saying if he decides to keep it for a pen build he should clear coat it. If it has actual antique value, put it somewhere safe and don't touch it if your gonna sell it. I found some information on your flashlight pen on goggle
here are the diagrams for it: DIAGRAMS
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You know, the actual value of these seems to be low. Much lower than I wish it was. But I couldn't pass it up because I loved it. It's kind of hard to find out the actual value because a lot of the old items' value varies with condition. And this is by no means museum quality. But to be in possession of one of the first penlights in working condition (the original US penlight patent was granted in 1916 I think) is really neat.

Edit: After looking around a bit the only number I could come up with is $20 value. I guess if value is determined by demand there isn't a penlight collecting hobby. Or it's not as rare as I thought. Does anyone know of the rarity of these old lights? I'd hate to "destroy" or "improve" it depending on how you look at it if it's like the last of it's kind. If it's worth $20 its a little spendy for a host. But it's not worth a ton and I'm not sure the value will go up significantly. It certainly would make for a nice host.
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Where do you find this sort of thing?
Old technology fascinates me.
Its sad that quality now a days is worse than it was back then. It amazes me that a pen light from the 1930s can out perform the mini maglight I had that corroded to point it could no longer function.
ARG, It's definitely not something you just stumble on. Once you start looking for stuff like this you find out where the best places to look for the specific kind of things you want. This one I found on ebay from someone selling off stuff bought at an estate sale. The hardest thing is figuring out what you SHOULD pay against what you want to pay. Honestly I would have paid more for this pen, but after a little reading around and research on what it's worth, I sent the seller a message asking for a lower price. Most people selling this stuff have absolutely no idea what they have or what it's worth. I found a similar but newer and more commomn version of this pen and the seller was asking $50!? True value was ~$5.

Speedy, I hear that one! I bought my girlfriend a flashlight less than a year ago at the Sequoia National Forrest as a souvenir. She took it camping last month only to find out that it didn't work. After reading the patent last night the design is so elegantly simple that I'm confident, if taken care of, this pen will long out live both me and my son.

One questions I have is on the tv show pawn stars, the guy knows an expert about abosolutely EVERYTHING. Where would you find an expert about old penlights? Is there some sort of expert white pages?
Hey - on the topic of hosts, $20 is not at all spendy for a host :P Two of my hosts cost me $600 combined. So... I wouldn't worry too much ;)
Wolfman, $20 isn't a lot for a host, but for a pen there are far cheaper alternatives. But my biggest concern is about the rarity of this one. I really don't want to be the guy that poached the last living specimen. I'd have to grind out the lip that holds the bulb in picture #... yep just looked I didn't upload that picture. In short, if I make this a laser host there's no going back.
Well, that's how much conversions are, unfortunately. In the end, the decision is YOURS!

Captain Planet, he's our hero, gonna bring pollution down to zero!
Yeah my hosts typically come in at about 100 dollars or more. But I have a bit of an obsession with sexy hosts.
Wannaburn, Yeah $100 is way more than my financial advisor (girlfriend) would allow. At least until I get a few more builds under my belt. I'm also much more of a budget builder (think $15 host) However I'm hoping to talk her into letting me get a 473. This is how that one went:

Me: So I want to get a 473 sometime, maybe sooner than later.
Her: How much is it?
Me: No, no, no, you've got it all wrong, here let me show you some beam shots... (Thanks to all the LPF members who posted beam shots of the 473, esp the ones compraed to 445/405)
Her: OMG that's so pretty!
Me: :) I know right!? ... (seed planted)

I don't want you guys to think that I don't like the expensive builds. I'm just not quite on that level, nor am I able to justify an "expensive" host... yet.

But on the topic of this penlight. I think I'm going to look around and see if I can figure out how rare it is. I'll post my decision in this thread and keep everyone posted. Ideally I could find a second one then I wouldn't have to decide!
Check out the LED Museum online. They should have listings regarding rarity of various old flashlights. I am positive that will be on there.
