So, as i said i wanted to test an even higher power next. I felt confident enough this prime diode wouldn't just explode like the previous ones.
Luckily i was right!
But first i had a little problem to solve. Ambient temperatures started changing to the point, that i was unable to just let the diode warm up to the level it was at before.
I had to rig up a constant temperature setup. I had most of the parts already here from various old experiments, and i relied on a neat little chip from MAXIM (MAX1968) to do the peltier driving.
The chip is a high efficiency switcher that drives the TEC with PWM and can automatically change between cooling or warming to keep the temperature the same all the time. I managed to hook it up to the tiny SMD thermistor i already had thermal-epoxied to the back of the diode for temperature equalisation during earlier re-plots.
It works really nice and makes re-plotting so much easier, as i don't have to "chase" the temperature anymore.
Anyways, i decided the next step would be 600mW. I used the last step slope efficiency to calculate it would require 423mA, altho i expected a small error, because i know that slope efficiency drops a little with every step above a certain current (first it climbs, then drops).
Next came the scary part. I actually had to plot the diode to 600mW.
The little test diode reached exactly 600mW at 424mA. This is 4mA past the point where the first diode went all zombie-faced, but this one is still working fine.
First, here is the
Step 4 "Zero-Hour" Plot:
The efficiency of this diode has dropped quite a bit by now, but apparently if it starts out as a good diode, it stays a good diode.
Then i let the diode cycle for 4h...
Here's the
Degradation Speed Comparison @600mW:
After the initial 4h, i measured a total of 3mW Po loss at 424mA. The diode dropped to 99.5% of it's initial Po of 600mW.
But as expected, this was a minimal power loss, which didn't really change the fact, that the degradation speed comparison plots are pretty pointless, due to the much more prominent "burn-in" effect with 12x diodes.
The only interesting thing that happened is, that this time degradation was actually faster than at the step before it. You can see that the pink line of 600mW drops faster than the light-orange line of 550mW.
This probably means, that this last 50mW step up in power was harder on the diode than previous steps of equal size. I expected something like this since we are slowly nearing the diode's limits, i just didn't know how it would show.
Then came time to decide what to do next.... Problem is, all this testing sure as hell wasn't telling me.
It's a little frustrating that i have to multiply the degradation of every step with all the steps before it to get something that
looks half way as if it makes sense, but means very little...
Degradation Multiplied:
This is what i was hoping to get when i saw the results of the first step, but unfortunatelly the diode won't play ball.
I thought multiplying would show me the worst-case-scenario, where degradation would come out even more pronounced than it can possibly be in reality. I thought that if i keep the last multiplied line less steep than that of the second 8x i would be safe, but at 600mW i'm just not sure anymore.
So what to do next? Well, i think that at 600mW and the diode still going strong, the decision is much simpler.
There were several wishes to go this far, since 600mW is a nice round number.
Obviously if i was asked to make a 600mW laser, i would set it a little higher, so it would stay above 600mW for the majority of it's life.
Perhaps i would even wish to set it as high as 650mW. So i did wish i could go ahead and test even higher, but since i wouldn't really go further than 650mW (which would take some ~25-26mA more or 449-450mA with the already degraded diode), i don't think it's really necessary...
If the diode tests very well at 600mW then clearly it's possible to set it above that. This we'll know from the number of hours of it's total lifetime at 424mA i'm sure.
At this point i'd much rather get "too many" hours at 600mW than too little at 650mW.
That's why i think that having already reached 600mW and apparently safelly at that, the best decision is, to
let the diode cycle to death at 600mW initial Po.
The diode is now nearing 10h where i'll do a re-plot. Next one will be at 20h, then i think i'll spread them out to every 20h if degradation remains slow.
Other than that, i wanted to show what a test sheet looks like, in case anyone is interested...
Test Sheet Example (Step 4):
It's a little messy, i know, but i'll explain everything.
First off, there are no currents here, because i only have them in column A, but they go in 40mA steps (0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280, 320, 360, 400) except for the very last one in this case, which is 424mA.
Normally i would test to the next step and then calculate the 424mA Po, but i didn't want to push my luck, so the Diode Analyzer is set to an Imax. of 424mA. Instead of calculating, i now simply turn the Iadj. pot to the max, and read the power off the meter for analysis.
In the CN column, you can see the measured Vf values for each step, and next to that the Po.
There is some more measured data crammed in, so under the Vf title you can see the Ith reference i have there cos it's changing slightly, and to it's right the temperature during the test.
Pretty much every other value in the test sheet is automatically calculated.
The first example of calculated values is the negative Po at 0mA. It's there to make sure the graphs will cross the X axis at the right point, something that would not happen if i wrote 0mW there. It's calculated from the first two steps, to make sure the plot starts out straight.
To the right of Po you can see Pe or electrical power used by the diode, which is a multiple of current and forward voltage. It is used for Po/Pe plots and to calculate Absolute Efficiency, which again you can see to the right of Pe.
Efficiency is calculated for every step separatelly, and under it you can see the average.
To the right of the absolute efficiency, you can see "Step Size" in mW. Basically it shows me how many mW each 40mA step brought about.
As you can see it climbs a tiny bit at the start and drops after a certain point, due to the diode's heat sensitivity - which is VERY small compared to reds, but the PI plots are bent slightly if you put a ruler to them.
The step size would also warn me of any developing kinks or unusual behavior.
Under the Step Size column i have a calculation for average step and average slope efficiency (mW per mA).
Under Step 4 Percentage, you can see i have references for previous steps, to see how the latest degradation is influencing powers there.
There is a small difference to the last data i reported for Step 3. This is due to a slightly different temperature now on the TEC rig. My goal was to make it the same, but it didn't work out.
However as long as the temperature is consistent through each step (even if it's different from the last) the degradation data remains correct.
There are two strangelly marked fields saying "T. St. Sl. Eff:", which simply means "Test Step Slope Efficiency", which was used to calculate the tested powers during earlier steps.
When the test was running between 360 and 400mA, the formulas in Excel used that data to calculate the power at the tested current from the slope efficiency and the two measured powers around it.
As i mentioned, right now i just measure the power at 424mA and use that for calculating the percentage.
Anyway, this is it for now, next i have to plot 10h and 20h. I have a good feeling the diode might last past 100 tho.