That's good about the o-scope

I'm honestly interested: can you link me?
I didn't want to make a big deal about the driver - wasn't going to complain about a $12 driver or what have you. I then noticed it wasn't sold anymore, so I couldn't get another one anyway
I just want to make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into. Not sure how many QFNs you have done before, but it's a HUGE pain in the *** to make sure you get them right. You're a relatively new member, and despite the fact that you have done a great job since you've been here, no one wants anyone getting in over their heads =p Looking out for you
The reason I bring up the testing problem is actually out of my good will

I've gotten a bunch of complains of faulty BlitzBucks in the past few months (probably 15 or so out of the 120 that I shot to Clif) because I didn't fully test each individual. Since then, I am actually individually testing each driver to make sure it is fully functional so that I get less complaints. Fortunately, in my case, I bought 20% extra parts, etc. so that I could send Clif 20% more drivers than he paid for so that he could deal with faulty drivers without having to have me make them to have them shipped out. Just something to consider.
These drivers can both certainly be there! Not saying they won't - I'm just not too enthusiastic about these TPS drivers. The IC alone costs a significant portion of the whole part cost of the BlitzBuck and the BlitzBoost. Because of that fact, they will always either be hardly profitable at all to the assembler (in this case, you) or they will be along the same price as the FlexDrives. I think the age of the buck-boost is nearing a close as we get more and more effective/cheaper buck drivers and boost drivers.
I'm really sorry if I managed to offend you :\ I didn't mean it. I am just really hesitant about these TI-based drivers. These chips are
If you do have any complaints about the BlitzBuck, I am ready to hear them! That's why I am on revision four! The first two were not very efficient. The next version was prone to failure in the potentiometer, had a huge inductor, and had multiple points of failure. Hopefully, V4 will be an effective replacement, at least until I come up with a better solution
Driver development is all about progress. Let's keep things moving forward!