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  • Nice star trek phaser on Hack a Day! Those guys on there seem to be real sissys LOL.
    Did you use 2 drivers or one?
    "The US Customs took a huge shippment of my lasers (154) and then turned them over to the FDA. They had em for 6 months or so now". --- DAMN- I dont feel so bad now about the 17 5mW green pointers they stole from me. They said they metered them and half my shipment was overpowered which surprised me, as at that time I was hearing that they (Chinese) were always sending lower power than advertized. Now I fear that I am on some list they keep and they will flag stuff coming from there. I am expecting 3 of those true green 5mW from DX soon,I hope. After many many attempts to talk to a real person in San F Customs I finally did get a guy on the phone - he was pretty much clueless on lasers and it ended up with him getting more answsers than me. I would have had to file a claim- pay out more $- go to Calf. before a judge - oh yea- right!-.regards--Hak--ps hope you get your lasers
    ok, thanks for you support however, i'm dedicated to building some reds cuz i have enough little greenies laying around lol. Thanks again!
    would they fit 16x redburner in aixiz module and what drivers would fit? How much you going to sell them for. This my first laserbuild and I was going with jayrobs but depends how much yours are I might be interested in 2
    Ah yobresal could you change that label request, instead of two 100mW 405nm labels could you change that to (2) 150mW 405nm labels...ididnt notice that one:!
    Thanks again buddy!
    There are many laser geeks out there but this guys beats them all!
    He has a radiotion tatoo on his right arm...
    HI again and sorry to take your time again
    Thanks for the tips and i would like to know witch one of Kaidomain do u think i should buy. can u link it pleasy ?
    Cuz u just said the store and i don't wana buy the wrong one.
    And just curiosity where r u from ?
    And i started "playing" with laser not to long a go i stared with the red 200 mW dx the 39 $ i guess u know with one best for the price XD
    and now i wana a green so bad :)
    Hi i have been reading a lot of comments made by u and i would like your opinion in with green laser 200 mW focusable should i buy. I have searched in DX , Rayfoss, O-like . I would like to buy one 200 mW that isn't to price and it is focusable cuz it is better to burn stuff and i think it is better to aim to infinity am i right ?
    And is the dragon laser safety glasses the best to order (price and quality ?) ? cuz i don't have one .
    Well Ty for reading if u want i would be glad if u respond or email me at
    ricardobindi@gmail.com . PS : I read a lot of topics and i couldn't make my mind i hope u can help me.
    I really appreciate your time
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