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  • (Continuing...)I think LFP is a fair place to do business I like here... I would like to keep good relationship with you to improve my lasers with engineer together...My paypal account is rayfoss.com@hotmail.com...If you cash is tight you can keep it untill you felt easy to pay to me...Tahnk you Rob...Looking forward the further coopeartion with you...Warm Regards,Faona
    Hello Rob,Nice to hear from you...Sory for the late answer since I am busying on my new web construction...Yes, appreicated your great help very much on my product reviewing...I amappreciated on your detailed and fair evaluation:-)...my business is starting after your reviewing but dead soon due to my page is in the similar design with o-like and they dislike my attending here ... they opened a bargin zone on their web sepecial poin on my hot deals ...Maybe at the first begining I should tell you that o-like/Susie is my sister-in-lower we doing the similar business in Shenzhen and keep good relationships as well...however,when I joined in LPF everything changed...Anyway, I have to change my web design and start My new webpage www.rayfoss.com which will foucs on laser products marketing and qualifoud will do other electronics devices ... (TBC)
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