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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • please, can you pm me a link with a confirmation that you really shipped the diodes? or a tracking nbr or anything like this? thanks.

    edit: delete me
    Hello kiyoucan

    I have send you a PM at Pl. I wondered if you shippped my package. Could you give me an update?


    Johan Bernardus
    they have all been shipped.
    some interesting news. i had a package get held apparently they do not know that PL is poland... @##$@#% so sorry to the guy in poland... but it has been taken care of...
    Hey make sure my a140 is NOT pressed please! :paypal:Sep 6, 2010 10:06:31 PDT
    Transaction ID: 12718954A3988161N
    Send me your paypal address, I'' send you payment for 2 diodes. Will this fulfill the needed qty? I'll pay asap
    You wrote: SOB pay pal is taking a huge amount from the arrays... over 20$ I hate them so much.

    When I signed up for a Paypal Pro/Business DEBIT card, I stopped getting charged any fees for receiving money. But this was back several years, so I might be grandfathered in. Worth looking into either way.
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