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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • D
    o_0 Another year. I thought you were back LOL hope everything is OK
    Holy crap you were gone for 2 years O____O Welcome back.
    Hey Dave,

    Thanks for signing the petition. :) I just could not believe what I was seeing when I first read her story. It made me so sad and angry that they could even think of doing such a horrible thing to her. I had previously been supportive of the Iranian leader Ali Khamenei for his support of the Palestinian people, but if he is going to allow something like this under the excuse of Islam then he is nothing more than a cruel tyrant whose flawed interpretation of the Islamic Law will do nothing but abuse innocent people and give all moderate Muslims a bad name. I pray that they come to their senses and release her, but I fear that it will be a long struggle to end this practice and it will not come without great sacrifice. :(
    thx kingdave for the 445 tip i'll rep u when the system lets me omg lol :banghead:
    thanks kingdave :yh: you're a very logical/rational person! i am so glad CAM is gone... im still patiently waiting for the system to let me +rep you again! i'm constantly trying cheers :beer:
    I still have some of the CR2 primary energizer e2 and duracell ultra lithium batts left, $1 for the duracell, $2 for the e2(not many left) and like $1 shipping. Post or PM for more details:D
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