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  • I'm a couple of weeks out... (building kits in the order of 'date paid' to be fair) Just send me a private message...
    im interested in this kit. sorry the only way i can tell u which one it is, is by the youtube video. YouTube - ‪DIY: How To Build A 1W Burning Blue Laser Torch!‬‏ im not sure which flashlight kit he is using
    @ Freqjn, I got your order, thanks!

    Please be patient... (back log of orders) I'll keep in touch...

    Talk to you soon!
    Jay, it remains a pleasure doing business with you after all these years. Outstanding customer service and communication. Thanks again.
    Using a single Li-Ion for a 'Stubby' build, you will need dual FlexDrives in parallel to get the 1.8 Amps needed for a 2 Watt build.

    Also, you will need a high efficiency 445 diode, and a 405-G-1 lens. Not all diodes can reach 2 Watts. It's the 'luck of the draw' unless you can find a seller that is willing to hand pick a tested one for you.

    I'm sure you would be happy with 1.3 Watts in a single driver (1.5 Amps) Stubby build with an AixiZ 445 lens though...

    Please send me a private message rather than using the visitor messaging... :)
    Thanks, i am just thinking witch one to take, the original or the Stubby witch i like the most.
    The most important for me is that i can make it a high output laser 2w> and maybe house other better diode's in the near future.
    I can put it togetter but i am no electrician so please advise me, i will use the laser no longer than 1 min cycle's, how powerfull max do you think i can safely make it without burning the diode itself. and witch option is better in this case, i prefer the stubby and i dont mind charging battery's.

    Hello Jay,

    I like this set: complete modified XM-L T6 Maglite 'Stubby' - $139

    What will it cost to make it a complete laser without the diode?
    Take a look through my list of kits:

    If you were to get a 'Hot' option kit (driver included and installed), then all you would need is your diode with AixiZ module, and battery...

    You can get diodes pre-installed into AixiZ modules with lead wires soldered on from daguin or DTR. (recommended) Also modwerx.com, hightechdealz.com, Stonetek.org

    Send me a private message for ordering a kit! :)
    I am kind of new to this and need some advice. I wanted to start with something about 150mw so I am looking for a kit I can use for a XBox HD DVD diode. Something fairly easy to assemble. Not concerned with appearance or price but with quality.
    Could you put together a list of everything I would need for this? I would prefer to do one stop shopping but if you do not sell something I would need could you refer me to a reputable seller.
    Most people are choosing the AixiZ 445 glass lens because it 'clips' the line shorter from the 445 output. It's about 15% less output power vs the 405-G-1, but gives a better looking dot.

    As far as brighter beam, possibly the 405-G-1 will give a brighter beam close to the aperture, but at distance, the divergence is more noticeable because it does not 'clip' the output like the AixiZ 445 does. See here for 445nm lens comparisons:

    Send me a private message for ordering either lens! :)
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