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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • You got a bunch of IP addresses in different locations. Are you using proxies?
    For anyone that scrolls down to the bottom of this page and reads these messages I’ve already resolved this with Unown. Don’t worry everyone I haven’t been hacked I’m just deployed on a ship and using WiFi hotspots in the host countries that my ship stops in. I’ve been buying up different laser bits while deployed so expect some new builds when I get home!
    Hi Gryphon,
    got myself a smoke machine today so i could see the laser beams better.... 2 things i learnt:
    1. how amazing lasers look in smoke/ mist.
    2. how much lasers reflect off of unexpected objects!!! :-P
    FYI- I played around with the rubberized grip on those small Nebo hosts and it would be easy to remove it-underneath its bare aluminum- not the color of the rest- but i guess with the right paint you could change that.(to the color of the laser perhaps)-Len-- p.s. I thouhgt I had already sent you this --if so -forgive my double message.--Len in Tx--sent you a friend request BTW
    Excellent info bro! I'll have to re-read them a few times to make sure I fully understand.
    BTW since it's glued there is no dissasembly now right. It's all together and something goes wrongyou gotta either get through the glue to get out or break something LOL. ???
    Reason I ask is cuz I'd like to see some of the head assembly you did. I want to undestand how you glued it in. Did you use he reflector from the maglite at all?
    Think you could share with me what you did or how you modified your msgs to fit the lasers? Could you possibly email me photos of a disassembled laser to show all it's parts and how you created it?

    Is it similar to jayrobs tutorial? He uses heatsink tho, I waoukd like to see your method as well!
    I am going to consider trying it out for simple fact that they are only $8 flashlights LOL. Did u get a clicky for em?
    Hey, how well do you like those maglite lasers?

    I got some maglites lying around i was wondering about trying them out... but never really made one before, what did you use for the heatsinks?
    hey if found a new mod to your altoids can 20x laser, i think that if you make a home made driver using a 25 ohm pot that you can have the adjust knob stick out of the back to adjust your power from pointer to burner
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