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Is Sanwulasers a scam?


New member
Feb 13, 2020
They don't accept paypal which means the guy is viewing my credit info. You all know what happens then.

Sanwu is 100% legit --a great company that manufactures excellent products and has very good custiomer service.

Sounds extremely suspicious, like it's advertised like how someone would pay you to say.
I have a 3x Beam Expander from them

No issues on getting it.

Plus lots of people here have purchased from them and I haven't heard any major issues, although they are a newer company.
They don't accept paypal which means the guy is viewing my credit info. You all know what happens then.
I tells ya a complete "scam". Probably more than one takin' a peak too. 😨C'mon use the search feature or peruse the forum new member before making allegations.
Sounds extremely suspicious, like it's advertised like how someone would pay you to say.

You are a member of LPF now for what ---a big 2 days? LOL

You only say that only becuase you don't know what you are talking about and have no knowledge or experience on LPF or with hand held laser anything or who makes then and who sells them. There are thousands of resellers or and few actual manufacturers who sell retail also.--
Sanwu is a manufacturer who also has a retail sales business selling the lasers they make not one of the thousands of reselling bandits on the internet who make nothing and would be selling ping pong balls if the were not selling lasers hand held laser.

Sanwu is a good company that actually designs and manufacturers the lasers the sell with the exception of a couple of low end lasers they resell for newcomes/noobs with little available $, but even with those they test the output and give good quality examples.

The other excellent manufacturer who sells the lasers they make in the retail marketplace as well is https://www.jetlasers.org/index.php

Believe whatever you want, it really does not matter to anyone anywhere what you do or why.
Everyone on LPF and elsewhere will vouch for both Samwu and JetLasers as excellent manufacturing companies offering excellent products both having good customer service and business practices.

Between this thread and the other thread... Troll

Perhaps so, perhaps just a "deer caught in the headlights" with regard to lasers and LPF.
Time will tell--we shall see.
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I have only ordered optics from Sanwu, but had no problems receiving them. I wouldn't hesitate to order from them again if the need should arise.
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For all you know they don't accept PayPal because too many people were ripping them off claiming this or that and PayPal booted them. Doesn't mean they will rip you off if ordering with a credit card.
Exactly (y) if the OP only uses PayPAl his choices in life are very limited, the vast majority of retail businesses/shops in the, USA at least, do not take/accept PayPal which is not a Bank or part of the conventional banking system or conventional banking which most credit cards are a part of.
It is just a clever guys payment system. In the United States , PayPal is licensed as a money transmitter, on a state-by-state basis. But state laws vary, as do their definitions of banks, narrow banks, money services businesses, and money transmitters. Although PayPal is not classified as a bank, the company is subject to some of the rules and regulations governing the financial industry including Regulation E consumer protections and the USA Patriot Act.
The most analogous regulatory source of law for PayPal transactions comes from peer-to-peer (P2P) payments using credit and debit cards. Ordinarily, a credit card transaction, specifically the relationship between the issuing bank and the cardholder, is governed by the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) 15 U.S.C. §§ 1601-1667f as implemented by Regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. 226, (TILA/Z). TILA/Z requires specific procedures for billing errors, dispute resolution, and limits cardholder liability for unauthorized charges. Similarly, the legal relationship between a debit cardholder and the issuing bank is regulated by the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA) 15 U.S.C. §§ 1693-1693r, as implemented by Regulation E, 12 C.F.R. 205, (EFTA/E). EFTA/E is directed at consumer protection and provides strict error resolution procedures. However, because PayPal is a payment intermediary and not otherwise regulated directly, TILA/Z and EFTA/E do not operate exactly as written once the credit/debit card transaction occurs via PayPal. Basically, unless a PayPal transaction is funded with a credit card, the consumer has no recourse in the event of fraud by the seller "
The above explains, in part, why PayPal is not accepted in general by the majority of merchants who prefer/too use conventional banking only, for many real reasons. Really there is no good reasons to use anything else.
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