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FrozenGate by Avery

Shooting in Las Vegas


Nov 25, 2008
Absolutely appalling :/ shooting into a crowd having fun...the height of cowardliness.

My thoughts are with the victims & their families .

Rest in Peace.

People just don't seem to know how to behave themselves anymore. Prayers for the families. :can:
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Just saw this. It has been, and will continue to get worse and worse until something is done about it.

I've read comments on YouTube and some are debating whether or not that was a "true" auto firearm or not. Automatic firearms are very difficult to acquire in the US, which is what has some people debating what kind of gun was used.

It's really sickening!

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Wow....shocking ..certainly sounds like automatic gunfire in the videos.
A terrible, terrible day for sure, condolences to all those inocent victims who were injured or killed. :( :cryyy:
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Those 50X have thousands of personnel connections who will be deeply affected too, along with millions around the world, a great evil has occurred as well as weakening our individual rights.
Those 50X have thousands of personnel connections who will be deeply affected too, along with millions around the world, a great evil has occurred as well as weakening our individual rights.

Exactly, so many affected will be affected by this senseless act; and you're correct about it weakening our individual rights, this will definitely bring out the folks wanting stricter gun control policies.
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Just saw this. It has been, and will continue to get worse and worse until something is done about it.

I've read comments on YouTube and some are debating whether or not that was a "true" auto firearm or not. Automatic firearms are very difficult to acquire in the US, which is what has some people debating what kind of gun was used.

It's really sickening!


Hi Very sad indeed Full auto are legal in a class 3 state and there are many. Fill out a form with the ATF and wait till it clears. + a 200.00 tax stamp and processing charges apply . So its relatively easy to acquire a full auto if you pass a NICs check 25.00 vary from state to state ( Back Ground Check ) .

Exactly, so many affected will be affected by this senseless act; and you're correct about it weakening our individual rights, this will definitely bring out the folks wanting stricter gun control policies.

Yeah but that wont stop people like this. I am pretty sure this shooter probably didn't acquire his gun legally. From what I heard they said he either had a Large drum magazine or a belt fed ammo belt, both of which are illegal for civilians to own. If it was neither then he was reloading magazine clips very fast, which would imply a person with extensive gun knowledge, possibly ex military or law enforcement. I am interested to hear what his background was.

Gun control laws are almost pointless. Criminals will always find ways to get them.

Still, gonna be a shit show on the subject I am sure.

Prayers for the famlies of the victems :(:can:
Yeah but that wont stop people like this. I am pretty sure this shooter probably didn't acquire his gun legally. From what I heard they said he either had a Large drum magazine or a belt fed ammo belt, both of which are illegal for civilians to own. If it was neither then he was reloading magazine clips very fast, which would imply a person with extensive gun knowledge, possibly ex military or law enforcement. I am interested to hear what his background was.

Gun control laws are almost pointless. Criminals will always find ways to get them.

Still, gonna be a shit show on the subject I am sure.

Prayers for the famlies of the victems :(:can:

Exactly, none of these asshats who commit this type of crime, give a rats ass about the law or the legality of obtaining what they need!
Leaping ahead some, in case someone comes along and blames the gun. The weapon didn't choose to shoot those people, the problem isn't the weapon, per se. Guns can be outlawed, that won't solve the ingenuity of human beings to find another way to harm one another, if they so choose.
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Leaping ahead some, in case someone comes along and blames the gun. The weapon didn't choose to shoot those people, the problem isn't the weapon, per se. Guns can be outlawed, that won't solve the ingenuity of human beings to find another way to harm one another, if they so choose.
I suspect LPF will be better than to have people come and blame the guns. It's the exact same deal with idiots lasing planes.
It's not the gun, or the box truck, or the fertilizer bomb, it's the bad people who kill.

Right now there are many people working on hydrogen bombs that could kill millions, will we wait until it happens to act, or kill millions to prevent it?

Either way I fear millions will die soon, and it won't be by way of a man with a gun, but it may end with a lot of men with guns, so do you think throwing away our guns will make the world safer from the bad people?
