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FrozenGate by Avery

PLP520-B1 in a Stainless Steel "BTU" Build


LPF Site Supporter
Oct 14, 2012


This build is in a host that I've been wanting to build with since I first saw it in Blord's "STEEL" build back in 2012 (thus the name "GREEN STEEL"). I finally ran across some of these S.S. beauties, and had to give them a try.
There's not much heatsinking ability in these due to their size, and being steel, but IMO, any host this small isn't going to offer much anyway.
These hosts are a very high quality unit, nice smooth threads, great finish with no scratches, and a nice metal switch in the tailcap.

This is my first 520nm; I really like this wavelength! To me, 520nm seems so much easier to look at than 532nm, can't really say why, it just seems to cause less eye fatigue. :D

Below are the components used for this build:

  • BTU D9 S.S. Host Kit w/Brass Pill.
  • Custom Copper Heatsink.
  • Battery Contact Board / Mrcrouse.
  • Panasonic 3400mAh 18650 Battery.
  • "Survival lasers" Extended, Green Anodized Aluminum Focus Adapter
  • Osram PLP520-B1 Diode in Copper Module w/Driver & 405 G-2 Lens, set at 450mA / DTR.

Everybody likes photos, so here are a few for you to view (hey, that rhymes). :crackup:

Copper heatsink almost done, just finishing up on the lathe; Sticky, gummy stuff!


Below is a pic showing the finished H.S. (rear view), with the brass pill.
If you look closely, you can see the steel lock pin that I pressed into the heatsink, along with the matching groove in the pill. This will insure that the H.S. rotates with the pill when being screwed into place, avoiding twisting the wires off!


A couple pics of the pill/heatsink assy.


All assembled for the first time, this photo shows how it looks with the standard focus adapter; not too bad.
You guys will have to let me know which you like better, the original, or S.L.'s green adapter.


The first view of the beautiful 520nm dot just before the box started to burn.


Glowing aperture shot showing the recessed Survival laser Green anodized focus adapter.


A couple of cool pics showing the de-focused beam with a little swirling fog!


A dot comparison shot on a textured garage door at about 35' (10.5m), showing a 532nm on the left, and the 520nm on the right.


A daylight photo with some fog, showing the 520nm beam on the left, and my J/L Ti-B 532nm on the right.
My phone camera doesn't pick up the color difference very well, but the variation in color shows up the most in the upper left of the photo.


The matching s.s. switch in the tailcap; this is a nicely made host. Laser in my hand for a general size comparison.


One last photo showing this baby relaxing on a large rock. :)


When metered on my LPM, this guy peaks at around 250mW, and will average around 225-230mW.

I hope everyone enjoyed the photos.

:thanks: for looking! :beer::beer::beer:
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Re: PLP520-B1 in a Stainless Steel "BTU" Host

Beautiful build! I'd love to have a 520, the green is more mellow, forest green you know? Oh and btw, nice shop, and nice hot rod too!:beer:
Re: PLP520-B1 in a Stainless Steel "BTU" Host

Awesome build. Looks like it turned out great.:beer:
Re: PLP520-B1 in a Stainless Steel "BTU" Host

Thanks for the comments guys, I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out. :yh:
Re: PLP520-B1 in a Stainless Steel "BTU" Host

Thanks bandlasing, I'm glad you like it.
Re: PLP520-B1 in a Stainless Steel "BTU" Host

I dont like this.. I love this, amazing work Jeff esp building something from scratch is the most satisfying job. :beer:
Sinner, thanks for your kind comments, it means a lot comming from a builder such as yourself! :beer:
Also, thank you for the +rep, it's much appreciated.
Fantastic job, Im particularly impressed with your lathe skills! +3 from me too :) :beer:

Looks like Ill have to owe you some rep, have to spead some first...
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Dang that is one clean looking laser! Your pics are especially nice. I need to make me a 520 again, I miss the color!
@ grainde, crazyspaz, and jander, thanks for your support with your comments, I really do appreciate them!
Here's one (or three);) for all you guys who've replied. :beer::beer::beer:
Now thats a beaut!
Did you say you bought a few of them? I own one from the Blood and actually picked up a second one as a flashlight and potential future build. If you make any more heat-sink/pill combos again the Pman will grant one wish lol
Yes, that host is outstanding. Blood built me a 1W 635/8 whatever a couple years ago as there weren't many around then and I wanted something more than just a blue like everyone else was getting. Are they still numbered? I have one in the 90s and another a bit over a 100. Nice heavy host.

What have you planned for the GB 515nm if they ever come? Bought 2 just in case I do something really stupid with one;) The 515nm I own by laserbtb looks very different to me than any 520nm I have.
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Pman, Davidx, thanks to both you guys!

Yes, I agree, 520nm is a beautiful wavelength. Sometimes you don't see too much difference from 532nm in photos, but at least to me, I see quite a difference.
I hope those new 515nm diodes from the G.B. are going to be visually different from the 520's.

@Pete- I'll PM you later.
