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I have a bit of experience in components and theory. I would like to get into lasers for a hobby and possibly some side money doing some cnc engraving for local nerds. Be kind to the noob. Feel free to shoot me some advice or correct my forum decorum... TIA 🤌👽
Considering how many companies offer CNC engraving, what will be your edge? Why would people come to you?
Not sure why you are ignoring me but you need to answer me as to why you made two accounts. Second account has been banned. Please explain. Last chance.
Don't worry I gotcha. Waiting for the imposter to explain themselves. If they don't reply I will ban.
Please explain your username
It was a joke from my childhood whenever I played minecraft with my friends I'd keep doing stupid stuff in the game and it kept spamming the chat with death messages and so i got that nickname and it stuck for the past 11 or so years.
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
Ah ok. Thanks for clarifying
Lifetime highly respected and one of our best-- he prolly wants to sell what he already has ---maybe he will make a custom one for you AFTER you buy one already made-- just a suggestion
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Reactions: Chris E
Chris E
Thank you for letting me know.

I have a project I want to build. I've obsessed over it since 2011 but I've struggled on how to accomplish it. Lol
Instead of making a new post just edit your first one and add the new -- double posting when not needed is not well liked here-- no big deal..
additional posts when there are ones made by others would mean you just post again-- no need to edit.
BTW 3 in a row is worse==lol
