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You think lasers are a for fun?

how many mw where your red an green lasers.
i have been reading alot about safty. and i see how serious it is.
i just recieved my first "real" laser oke maybey the second. my 5mw green one migh be overspec. its way brighter then my 200mw red which i just recieved.

i don't have any glasses yet i might buy those +-20 dollar glasses @ lazerer.
or is their a real cheap alternative.
so i have tested my laserpointer and pointed it on my wall and carpet.
the wall is white an 10 meters away. the carpet is blue. an the rest outside @ night
and it was for very short periods of time. ( i assmume very reasonable this would not have done any damage. but i know you have to be real carefull ITS NOT A TOY)

i already found i am not a burner i lit one match oehhhh :P to see if it works but it doesnt burst my bubble, i rather like pointing it up in the sky or point at very distand objects. i love how far it travels.

i also got a love for bright flashlights because they throw far. but nothing beats a laser
i think i will love the 50mw green one which i will recieve soon the most. its not about the power for me but about a nice beam.
and 50mw gonne be plenty.

yes yes and plenty to kill my eyes. i know. and its soo easy just make that one mistake.
so i am uber causious and dont even focus the beam too much so its a big dot on my wall
but i really wounder about my green laser nowis 5mw really that bright my 200 mw doesnt compare at all.
is my cheap green dx overspec? i start thinking it is. ( video to compare http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_td1nxiyfM)

and i hope you dont ge me wrong i understand you guys totaly on how mandatory glasses are.

Green wavelengths appear brighter to the human eye than red wavelengths because that's just how our eyes work.

Well, I love to read this post and all new members should have read this too.

To be simple, I guess I might put it this way:
1) No fun, when not seeing the beam while we put on the goggle. Suggestion - always put on the goggle when doing close proximity burning, apply to all lasers.
2) To see the beam without using goggle, for indoor <150mW.
3) To see the beam without using goggle with output > 400mW, sorry better not doing it inside the house or most indoors. Unless shooting the beam out
of the house.

Hope seniors may add in more points in point form, as good guidelines to all noobs here.
Yes. Lasers ARE for fun imho, among myriad other uses. And just like anything else that is used for fun, one (that means YOU) must BE CAREFUL, have AND USE proper SAFETY GEAR and follow established SAFETY GUIDELINES so as to avoid as far as possible any UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES and possibly LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY and PENALTY(IES) for one's (that means YOUR) actions.

Enjoy your lasers SAFELY! :)
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I think lasers are fun, if you take the proper safety precautions first. Proper eye protection is a primary need when using lasers, in my opinion. Lasers are dangerous to the eye, and i honestly am afraid of having one in the house, because if one of my friends, family members, or animals got hurt in any way, i would never be able to forgive myself.
G'day all..
Yes I'm a "newb" here and with all due respect I really can't see the problem at all with overstating Safety, (at least Someone else is concerned about your eyes) I find it worrying the way some of the Youtube Vid's show devices being waved around.

Great forum :wave:

Regards from Down-Under
fititiwill, what glasses are those, they look nice and im in the market for a pair, links if you can, :thanks:
IMO lasers are a tool and can be used for many things one of those being fun.
the guy who made this post

If you read his posts he said that he has to read text by using his peripheral vision, same thing with viewing anything, he has to use the edges of his vision as the middle of his vision has been destroyed.
If you read his posts he said that he has to read text by using his peripheral vision, same thing with viewing anything, he has to use the edges of his vision as the middle of his vision has been destroyed.

:wtf: definition of 'out of the blue'
