Sure no prob. definitely looks like i bridged the correct side.
Pot side
Resistor side
I know it looks sloppy, but i only have a blunt tip soldering iron right now that is SUPER hard to use. I am 95% sure they are bridged correctly. Maybe i broke the pot? I don't know, what causes the output to freeze like that?
Well here is a couple things i have in mind then ill give you a solution.
1) I have no idea how you hooked it up to the testload. I see no solder on the LD Pad's and or the Input voltage side. There is a very and i mean VERY good chance if you where using some kind of alligator clips that it got disconnected re connected etc. If you dont catch it right away you will kill the driver. Always make sure you have solid connections. Plus alligator clips like those little hook ones are crap and can barely take any load on them.!
2)You turned the pot so many times that you broke the wiper on the pot. Since ~265mA you say is literally around the beginning of the second range. So with the pot broken its not changing anything.
3) Whatever your input Supply is cannot take the Load. (Please tell me what you are using for your input voltage and what kind of battery or supply is it)???
4) You have your DMM on the wrong setting. Can you take a Picture of how you have it hooked up and the setting.?
1) I will send you a replacement preset to 450mA.
2) If it is the pot that you broke then you can very easy make this in to a fixed version for a future project. I dont want it back.
Though dont make the mistake twice.

There is absolutely no way it left here bad so you can count that out.:beer:
I will email you shortly.
At 1.8A do these need heatsinking? they are amazingly small, and i imagine they would be hard to HS
Yes. However only certain version of the S-mini are made to do that high.
However i have other sizes that are much better for high currant.
Usually the people that request one to be able to do 1.8A are ones that want to make a pocket rocket with short duty cycle.
If you where using a 18650 host there is really no point choosing this Size at 1.8A.
I have many sizes to choose from.
If you think the S-Mini is Small you will get a kick out of how small the T-Mini (Tiny) is:
Not all the version of Boost i make are in this Pic But Most: