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FrozenGate by Avery

WTS phr-803t diodes

Could you please put me on the list for your next batch? I would like one in an Aixiz module with leads plus international shipping. Let me know when I can pay you and how much. Cheers!
Ooooh its so tempting,I'll need to talk to my dad about this when he gets in see what he says, Would love a BR !!

Also can I use this driver for one of these diodes, if so what power would I roughly get ?


And yes bebo is my image host ;D

not much - you need a different resistor
if you go onto the ddl driver page on the last page, there is info there

chido said:
Gazoo's canned response:

The LM317 is no mystery and very easy to work with. The following calculations always apply since it uses 1.25 volts for its reference voltage, and ohm’s laws don't lie. ;)

To calculate the resistor needed for a given current, take 1.25 and divide it by the current. So say you want to drive a SenKat diode with 250mA. 1.25 divided by .250 = a 5 ohm resistor.

Another way you could do this is to take 1.25 and divide it by the resistance. 1.25 divided by 5 = .250.

Next you will want to calculate the wattage of the resister needed. We know 1/2 watt resistors are common for use with the regulator. But to figure it out, simply take the 1.25 and multiply it times the current. 1.25 times .250 =.3125 watts.

The rule of thumb for the voltage going into the regulator is it should be 3 volts more than the voltage going to the diode. A SenKat diode running at 250ma's will have about 3 volts across it. Therefore a minimum if 6 volts is needed.
I recommend 6 NIMH batteries or 2 RCR123's for use with Daedal's driver.

This is why you need at least 8 volts to run the blu-ray. You will find when you have it hooked up, the voltage across it will be appx. 5 volts. But since it will only draw ~38mA, you can run it with a 9 volt battery.

The bluray diode mentioned here is a PS3 diode.

so if you want to run it at 100 mA, getting about 100mW with a clear aixiZ lense, you need a resistor of about 12.5 ohms

Is that helpful ;)
Ohh never mind, I'll probably use a 10 Ohm resistor that should be ok, and I can fine tune it with an ameter before I hook it up , If I can afford a new ameter that is , both mines broke :o >:(

Diachi said:
Ooooh its so tempting,I'll need to talk to my dad about this when he gets in see what he says, Would love a BR !!


I'm sure you're dad isn't gonna mind a $40 for a bluray if you're getting the $600 RPL :P
Hi :
Do you have any left? Also when you say sold as is, does that mean that they test good just b4 you mail them? ( i.e. tested after removal ) I would want one in an aixiz module.

Thanks, Docjohn
No he hasn't any left, and "as is" means that he extracted them and throws them in an envelope, no testing or warranty involved.
Switch said:
No he hasn't any left, and "as is" means that he extracted them and throws them in an envelope, no testing or warranty involved.
diodes are static and heat sensitive and since most ppl dont realize this the diodes are sold as-is(i burnt out 6 aixiz diodes at 40$ a pop before i realized how sensitive they are). testing them would chance me blowing the diode so im not going to risk losing the money i put into it by burning up the diodes i paid for. its also beginig to look like all the toshiba drives are gone as well..unless you want to pay upwards of 30 for just the drive and more if you want them harvested. ive been searching all over and everytime i find a supplier they sell out shortly after.
hey i got the diode today thanks for the great anti static precautions

