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FrozenGate by Avery

WTS phr-803t diodes

YES!! :D this is what I've been waiting for.It's good that I didn't order the PSXboy sled.I just sent you $34 for a diode in an aixiz module and international shipping.
Please tell me if anything goes wrong.

Carulli , don't worry he has them extracted already, all he needs to do is push it in an aixiz module.It will probably ship very quickly.

carulli said:
Do you have one ready because the laser ban starts in 16 days. If not dont make one because I have to find the money somewhere.
I think the diodes in an aixis module will get past customs. Its not a "laser pointer" its a "diode in a module"
carulli said:
Do you have one ready because the laser ban starts in 16 days. If not dont make one because I have to find the money somewhere.
ive got 1 left.
ndrew2505 said:
ive got 1 left.

Can you pretty please save it for me? :'(

If I don't pay you today then you can sell it to someone else.

Are you still going to sell these on eBay?
freshert said:
[quote author=carulli link=1213388492/12#15 date=1213430047]Do you have one ready because the laser ban starts in 16 days. If not dont make one because I have to find the money somewhere.
I think the diodes in an aixis module will get past customs. Its not a "laser pointer" its a "diode in a module"[/quote]
Yea but im already on the customs list for importing prohibited items (BB guns lol) so just to be safe. I will send the money today some time.
sold out. geeks has sold out of the drives but i found another supplier thats only a little bit higher. ill repost when i get more. sux cuz they had 65 yesterday and none when i got up today... :'(
Hey dude, what about my order? I already sent you the payment. Did you get it? :-/

How come you only had 5?It said 10 yesterday, with 8 left.Please reply, I want my diode :'(
how long will it be untill you can send me one I can pay another $5-10 for the more expensive ones.
Switch said:
Hey dude, what about my order? I already sent you the payment. Did you get it? :-/

How come you only had 5?It said 10 yesterday, with 8 left.Please reply, I want my diode :'(
yes i got it. yours was the last 1. shipping all on monday. thx. i cant print the international labels online so ill have to drop those in the p.o. every1 else should have gotten confirmation from paypal when i printed your labels.

carulli said:
how long will it be untill you can send me one I can pay another $5-10 for the more expensive ones.
huh? you mean faster shipping?
looks like you've got a LOT of demand on your hands ndrew and little supply :) economics says you should drastically increase prices to even out the demand, or drastically increase supply, which it sounds like you are trying to do. I'm sure your customers who bought one appreciate your work.

it took me over an hour just to get one of the 803T diode's ribbons off and out of the heat sink for preparation to put in Aixiz module, i much rather would have payed you another $10 or whatever for that work.
I have the money so how much do I owe you for a diode in an aixiz module with express shiping to australia.
Oh thank god.I can't wait to get it. :D Too bad you don't have any more , this was an amazing offer.
