Re: WTS: Laserbee 2.5W (need repair)
Today i received the laserbee from borgqueenx.
I thermally glued the TEC onto the heatsink and did some testing. I tested it with an 445 arctic i have which is really stable. It has a test output of :
This was measured on my ophir 20C lpm. As you can see the output is rock solid and only fluctuates 1-2mW every few minutes..
The i metered the same arctic on the TEC laserbee. This was the outcome:
It have a difference with the ophir of 5mW. I think this is not too bad. This means it should be not that much bigger of a difference at higher powers. 5mW is nothing at that power..
If you do lower readings the diffence becomes smaller then 5mW. I really wanted to calibrate the DL-1 module inside the laserbee USB. But the darn laserbee programm keeps on crashing while i wanted to put it in calibration mode (not my pc).. Really annoying i had no problems doing this on a DL-2 module.
Anyway let me know what you guys think!
Btw the 650 laser borgqueenx sent me with the package did 390mW on the TEC laserbee. I could not measure it exactly on the ophir setup because it was so unstable on high mode i could not see what it actually is

Just goes to show that an ophir's response time reveales the true laser.
EDIT: Let me know if you are happy. If so i wil ship it back after you sent the payment for shipping. 6.75€