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FrozenGate by Avery

WTS: 12x 500mw Blu-Ray

Nov 6, 2008
Hey, decided to go a different route. Pricing this to sell quick, $140 Shipped to your door (US Only). Includes everything seen in the pictures. 6x Rechargeable CR123s, one spacer, charger, goggles, and the greenie host.

EDIT: Green Host sold! Rest can be had for 115!





As seen in this thread, pics to come tonight! :beer:

Edit: Pictures added. PM me for any needed info.
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You do know that you are reducing your chances for
a quick sale limiting it to the USA only...

Good luck with your sale...:beer:

I know, Im not very comfortable shipping out of US, although I will if shipping gets covered for international shipping. Should of made it clearer. I meant that price is shipped, but, only in the US. Internationl is extra ;)
Long time no see. Wasnt there drama in your past about sales? I'll have to look it up. You changed your name too IIRC.
Green is sold from package, so, lowering overall price to 115 shipped in the US.
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Just something I noticed, your last post says 110 shipped, the OP says 115 shipped. :whistle: Either way, this looks oddly familiar :na: good luck with the sale, I had fun building this, and fun using it before it sold =]
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