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FrozenGate by Avery

SOLD 520mW S06J build $150 SHIPPED

Apr 26, 2010
I built this cool cat today, and man she's going to be hard to get rid of, but women come first, and I need prom money, so this sucker has to go!


Trustfire TR-B3 host
12X S06J diode
Ghostdrive set to 395mA
405 G-2 lens
3x 16340 batteries
A FREE "super" overspec green is purchased by midnight [mountain time] Friday 4/27/12

$150 OR BEST OFFER!! OR! PM me about buying with just the glass lens attached, for a discount!

It may just be because this is my first 12X, but I cannot get over how much of a powerhouse this is, I was burning cardboard without it even fully focused. Now for the photoshoot. Fair warning, as these are not macro-shots, I cannot use my standard method of using lenses to get crisp HD shots. This is straight ipod here folks, sorry, my only camera (sad isn't it?) :cryyy:

P.S. Before we start the fun, yes, it pops balloons (and matches :p)

I was messing around with some flash paper when I shot this. Igniting flash paper with a 12X from 15ft away! Enjoy! :D










(I shut it off at the end there)

I thought it was weird that power started dropping out so quickly. Then I figured that yes, I should probably check the tailcap current to make sure it's not the diode overheating but instead the driver not providing enough current. Sure enough, at about the 15-20 second mark, it started dropping in output current. Unfortunately, Bloompy, it is the driver overheating. Using 3x16340 was not the best idea - you are providing it with TOO much voltage. It seems like it may stabilize around the 175-200mA mark.

If anyone wants a pic of something else (the heatsink? Beams into the sky? etc) post here or PM me!
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Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR83

The last picture is worth a thousand words.. haha men its 12x its one heck of a burner.. Good luck with the sale :beer:
Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR83

The last picture is worth a thousand words.. haha men its 12x its one heck of a burner.. Good luck with the sale :beer:

Thank you sir.:wave:

Also, a quick update, a modification has just been made to the tail clicky. I added a longer spring so that it can cope with 3x 16340's, rather than 3x CR123's. I noticed the stack was just a tad bit too short, so when tilting the laser backward (business end pointing up), the laser was not able to get it's positive contact, and would thus blink out. This problem is now solved with a longer spring, of course no additional charges, so don't worry about it changing the price ;)
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Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR83

that last shot w/ the smoke is freaking cool....
Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR-B3

Very nice build! I agree the beam shot is very nice. If I did not have Angelos building me a 405 I would buy it for sure!! But I am thinking though!!!:thinking: Good luck with the sale.
Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR-B3

Thanks for all the compliments folks! I took some pics of the heatsink for yall, it's actually quite nice, I love how it's an all inclusive thing, no worries about spinning it and breaking any wires, nothing, just drop the whole chunk in and the top piece and you're golden.

Whole whole kit and kaboodle:

Positive contact:

The set screw:
Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR-B3

I love that heatsink design. Very clean. Was that your creation?
Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR-B3

Oh my I wish, I was actually begging the machinist to make me more :na: The machinist is T_Warne. Same person I got the host from, all set up with the heatsink and positive lead wire and everything.
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Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR-B3

I am no machinist. Just a guy who has a little lathe and too much time on my hands.

I have always made them like that... it just seems like the "right" way. It allows for the largest mass of aluminum and keeps the solder connections and driver safe.
Not to mention that it makes the host totally modular. Just remove one heatsink, drop in the new one and POOF! a whole new laser.


Good luck with your sale.
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Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR-B3

I am no machinist. Just a guy who has a little lathe and too much time on my hands.

I have always made them like that... it just seems like the "right" way. It allows for the largest mass of aluminum and keeps the solder connections and driver safe.
Not to mention that it makes the host totally modular. Just remove one heatsink, drop in the new one and POOF! a whole new laser.

Thos are very very nice heatsinks sir! Those would sell!

Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR-B3

I am no machinist. Just a guy who has a little lathe and too much time on my hands.

I have always made them like that... it just seems like the "right" way. It allows for the largest mass of aluminum and keeps the solder connections and driver safe.
Not to mention that it makes the host totally modular. Just remove one heatsink, drop in the new one and POOF! a whole new laser.

Very nicely done. I've only seen a couple of other builds using a modular method like that.

It just makes things so better with no worries of someone taking the laser apart and twisting the wires to the poin of breaking the leads off the diode.

I know they take a lot more work to make, but I would really like to see more builds done this way.
Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR-B3

BUMP! With a price drop to $200 SHIPPED! PM ME!
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Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR-B3 [PRICE DROP]

Hey T_Warne

You have got to sell those heatsinks. Great job:drool:
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Re: FS> S06J 12X Trustfire TR-B3 [PRICE DROP]

I'm afraid that if you want one of mine you will have to buy the laser bloompyle is selling.:whistle:
