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WTB WL Arctic


Aug 25, 2010
I have kind of wanted one of these ever since I saw it the day before I joined here... in fact, the WL Arctic is the only reason I now know about this forum as I stumbled upon it while looking on thinkgeek and was shocked to find the power available in handhelds.

So, I am putting out a little feeler. If you have an original WL Arctic or Krypton that you would think about selling or trading, please let me know (1) Tested Output, (2) Physical Condition and age, (3) Any Details Regarding turning it on(I recall they had a smart switch or some shit, if there are Arctics/Kryptons without this it would be preferred), and (4) Asking Price or what you want to Trade.

Again I am looking for either the Arctic or the Krypton. I don't like WL as a company but I would like to get some one on one time with one of their lasers. And that usually means buying it. And of course I want a tested one from a member because I don't want to put any money in the wicked lasers coffers.


Man you should have posted this a week earlier... my Arctic is on eBay :p but good luck, there's a whole bunch of stuff from them all over the world now due to their way overhyped popularity

EDIT: Although, most of WL's old Arctic's are way underspec, you would have better luck just buying one from their website nowadays... for their premium price, of course
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hwang, if you can work a deal out with WBS, then you can take it off fleabay and save yourself the fees they charge. granted you will prob get less for it here since we dont pay WL premium prices like the rest of the world but you could get a nice trade :D
WBS wants an Arctic? I knew there was no god, now here's proof!

It's like I'm wandering into a strange, new world, where the physics and philosophies are all turned upside down..There's got to be only one answer:

I love my arctic S3 rated 1415mW by my LPM with new Panasonic 3400mA battery love the look real light saber star wars look good luck on getting one regards and best
Its like a half-hearted desire. I think it would be neat to own one for a bit, see what the build quality is like, etc. But I would probably sell it once I had satisfied my curiosity.

@scumbagatheist: I am looking for an Arctic just to satisfy my curiosity. It doesn't disprove God haha :p
I find the build quality brilliant ,but as many have said they are expensive but if your after modest power 445 and wicked looks pardon the pun this IS the one to get :drool:
Its like a half-hearted desire. I think it would be neat to own one for a bit, see what the build quality is like, etc. But I would probably sell it once I had satisfied my curiosity.

@scumbagatheist: I am looking for an Arctic just to satisfy my curiosity. It doesn't disprove God haha :p

I have an Arctic that I'm trying to get rid of. I just posted an ad on craigslist, but I'd prefer to sell it on here. I would like to get $200 shipped, that includes the arctic, it's original box, and a battery/charger. If that's too much, make me an offer.

There is a little scratch by the smart switch button, but other than that it's in perfect condition. It's only a few months old, and has less than 15 hours run time on it. I also replaced the battery cap because the original was faulty. (Wicked Lasers sent the replacement and I received it about a week ago).

Unfortunately I don't have an LPM so all I can say is that it burns stuff, and quite well. I don't really know how else to measure it's power, so if you know a way tell me.

I'm also willing to trade...if you have any green lasers that you're willing to give up, maybe we can make a deal. BTW I know the date in my picture of the arctic is a few days off, it's becuase I meant to post a thread a few days ago but forgot. If you really want todays date I can change it.



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id offer to middle man and LPM the deal if you two want but thats up to you both and if you can strike a deal :beer:
I wouldn't mind being an LPM middleman either if my location is any more convenient.

I don't mind helping out WBS :P

LL, I just saw the Rubicon in your sig and it just reminded me how much I can't wait to get one QQ
I think I am going to put this off in the end. Just bought an Argon and I am saving for an 80mW 589nm CNI laser in the GB. You should definitely open a sales thread though, if you get it LPM'd it should go quick!
