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WTB- 365nm handheld laser


Feb 19, 2012
WTB- 365nm handheld lasers
anyone know of a source,
laser @ 365nm for UV work
I need it to be small handheld for curing of cyanoacrylate on plastics
or high powered LEDs?
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Low power UV laser diodes are available, but they are around $5,000.

Tell us about your application? Would a 405nm laser diode work?
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OP: When you find one under $3k, let us know.

In other words, it doesn't exist.
Junktronix had some Nichi@ UV diodes a year or two ago...no idea if they sold or not. Shoot him a PM on PL.
does it have to be a laser?
as mercury discharge lamps are in that frequency group and a neon sign guy could make you a bulb with the wattage you need.way cheaper than those diode cost.
I need it to be small handheld for curing of cyanoacrylate on plastics
so, high powered LED is the other option?
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I need it to be small handheld for curing of cyanoacrylate on plastics
so, high powered LED is the other option?
As everyone as pointed out there are no reasonably priced or powerful 365nm laser diodes ---LED flashlight may be OK for your use---there are lots of options up to 10W of 365nm . Google 365nm light

700mW see: Amazon.com: Intsun® Zoomable High Powered 365 nm UV Ultraviolet LED flashlight Blacklight used for detecting fluorescer in cosmetics and baby stuff, Discover Counterfeit Banknotes, Scorpions, Minerals, diamonds, etc. (Flashlight only): Sports & Outdo

3W see: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/261568190986?lpid=82&chn=ps
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405nm cures cyanoacrylate just as well. Iv'e done it countless times.
Or even get some LOCA glue.
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sony sells some Cyano Glue curing led hand helds for around 3 bills . Also Tank has some nice led 365nm flash lights that are 3-5 watt.
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