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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB - 2watt+ laser

Oct 19, 2011
Lookin to buy a powerful 2watt+ burning laser...pm if your selling one or can make one. Thanks! :)

Welcome to the forums... You should tell something about you @ here

And the laser,
what color? 2watt green or blue? :p

a 2W green would cost allot less than 15k lol you can get like 1.5-1.7 for ~800
lmaoooo i want one that burns the best....would the green one really be $15k? :0 I dont have a budget.sooooooooo
lol, read up on saftey first before you post these types of threads
nobody will sell such a laser to a user who might end up blinding himself and others around him....
lmaoooo i want one that burns the best....would the green one really be $15k? :0 I dont have a budget.sooooooooo

No budget huh.....

I would advice you to get in contact with a good company who produces dpss laser and ask them to develop a 2W yellow laser for you:p

J/k. But seriously, whats your experience with lasers? 2W or higher can be pretty dangerous in the wrong hands
And you also need some kick-ass goggles with it...and with that i dont mean those cheesy chinese goggles...
lmao....i mean...i dont have a budget..but id like to stick around the $500-$700 area....there's no way in hell i would ever drop 15k on a laser!!! if u think im a troll then cool man dnt really care. Hit me up if u wanna sell one to me i bought one before but it was a p.o.s. and broke on me.

okay maybe i dnt need a 2watt one...but i got the money for one and last time i got a 350mw and it wasnt as powerful as i expected so i decided to upgrade a bit :p and 2 watts should be pretty strong
pm dtr or ask lazeer maybe he could hook you up with something. Make sure you have goggles be safe and have fun.
okay maybe i dnt need a 2watt one...but i got the money for one and last time i got a 350mw and it wasnt as powerful as i expected so i decided to upgrade a bit :p and 2 watts should be pretty strong

where'd you get your green laser from?
