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FrozenGate by Avery

woot sharpened my sword!!

Jul 22, 2008
bad thing about sharp swords... it sliced my finger open to the bone just my barely touching the edge... anyone know how to get bits of metal out of a wound?

hmm....depending on what type of metal your sword is made of: High Powered Neodymium Magnet? If it works for pickin up Metal shavings off the ground, maybe it will do it with a wound as well? Also, pic of sword? :)
the sword and i don't think the magnet will work...
Flush the cut with cold water, it will also slow the bleeding..
Use the pressure to 'flush' dont just rinse.

Get some peroxide and dilute slightly with warm water.
Soak your finger and look for any remaining shavings.

Get a tube / bottle of crazy glue, use something like
the stem of a q-tip. Put a drop on the edge of the cut
and 'smear' the glue into it.

Let it dry or use a 405nm laser to cure.. much faster..

If it gets sore or swollen by tomorrow, fill a bowl with
salt water, place your finger in, and squeeze. Work in
the salty water, dry when finished and re-glue.

In 2 days you wont even notice it..

The crazy glue works really good. I have sliced the
pad of my thumb really deep working with brass tubing.
I was able to continue working like it never happened
the moment the glue was dry.


I did some reading, turns out Cyanoacrylate was
developed for use in the field during battle. They
used it in spray form to hold bad wounds together
and slow the bleeding.

Just dont use it for eyedrops :D

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One thing I am reading a lot of is to apply hotglue to the top of the area, let it dry, and then peel off....the Hot Glue should have bonded with the shavings, and will remove them with it....if a few are left don't worry too much, your body will expel them on its own after not too long. If you haven't already, rinse the wound with some peroxide to sterilize it. If you want to try one last thing to get the rest of the shavings out I would suggest Duct Tape. Just put a layer over it, let it sit for a few minutes, and then remove. Depending on how deep the cut, you will prob need stitches. If it doesn't look bad enough for stiches, Duct Tape can surprisingly be of use again! I have a friend who received a huge gash in his leg while hunting, he wrapped it in duct tape and left it, and it healed with no scar.....but if in doubt, doctor! Hope that helps,

PS-nice sword :)
alright I'll try your suggestions on treating it... btw it's not the only blade i have laying around in my room

maybe.... actually its tied back 99% of the time other than....private time with my lady and sleeping...
I have found crazy glue makes some pretty bad infections and this from a guy that never works with gloves on and I rarely get infected cuts/burns.
If it is a deep cut wrap it as loosely as possible (without it falling off) with electrical tape.
If you cut off the circulation you will regret it. Unspool the tape from the roll first, then wrap up your finger. Try to make it as waterproof as possible and over a larger area than just the cut.
One width of electrical tape on both sides of the cut is usually best.
I just had a bad cut to the thumb from a flying tool (don't ask) that nicked the bone pretty hard. I made sure no tendons were cut and used the old E-tape trick. 4 days later the cut was completely sealed with a fresh batch of skin. The bone is still a bit tender but that should heal quick enough.
You want the electrical tape to hold the moisture in, if it goes white and puffy underneath the tape (like you have been in the tub too long) then it is working.
Best bet is to let a cut bleed for a while, then hit it with iodine. Hydrogen peroxide has always given me more trouble than leaving the cut open to shop dirt and grease so it can't be a good thing.
I heard that hydrogen peroxide isn't as good as water for washing out cuts and the bubbles are just the chemical reaction with the catalase in your blood releasing O2 from the H2O2.
*Duct tape just makes a mess* :crackup:
I have found crazy glue makes some pretty bad infections

*Duct tape just makes a mess* :crackup:

Id agree about the infections, but I dont think its the glue that does it.
Any infection I have encountered was from not properly cleaning the wound.

The glue I use is from Orbix, perhaps a slightly different content?

I have seen surgeries where the incision approx 2ft long after back surgery
was closed with glue opposed to stitches.

Most of my cuts come from clean razor blades.. I have had
cuts more than deep enough that would require stitches, and
were closed with Cyanoacrylate and healed without scarring.

I used to use 'tape' and paper towel, but it takes forever to heal
and when on the fingers, will keep splitting open if you continue
to work.. Cyanoacrylate does not allow the cut to re-open,
and as long as you clean the area well, no infection follows.

Since the first time I tried it, I have never used anything else...

My father-in-law just had his shoulder replaced with an implant.. the incision (all 7.5 inches of it) is held closed with Cyanoacrylate and adhesive tape.. the stuff really works.
^ under anesthesy, maybe .....

But personally, i had once a nail almost peeled off for half of the depth, years ago .... and glued it in place with cyanoacrylate, cause i had nothing other on hand, for keep it in place and stop the bleeding .....

Oh, it worked, and i've not lost the nail ..... but you can't imagine how much saints was raining down, that day, when a bit of cianoacrylate filtered til the inside ..... :p
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Thats odd, I have never felt pain from glue contacting
the inside of the cut. No stinging or burning..

Are you sure it wasn't just because you were looking?? :na:
Thats odd, I have never felt pain from glue contacting
the inside of the cut. No stinging or burning..

Are you sure it wasn't just because you were looking?? :na:

Uh, i don't think ..... the last time i had to take surgery on a hand, i was commenting the operation with the doctor, looking at it and asking what he was doing (i'm not particularly impressed from blood, and nothing at all from mine) ..... maybe was cause the glue i had available was industrial cianoacrylic compound, and not surgical one ? (the one that looks much more dense of the quick-grip one and need like 3 or 4 minutes for completely harden ..... i mean, if it contain something different from the surgical one ?)
