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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

WINNER ! ! !

100mw is only good for indoors, you need at least 500mw for doing shows in venues

im starting small.

I have purchased the flashlight laser, the scanpro20, and some eye protection..
now im waiting on all 3 to show up..
once i get the scanpro built i will look into buying annother laser..
I think 1w would probably be the way to go... ill just have to save up for it..
im sure i could recoupe the cost by doing a few shows...
no idea?

but try lasever (.com) i think

e-mail them and ask them for a price list.
that looks nice...
I whink that the portable will suffice for now as i get the scanner setup.. by the time thats all perfect in a few weeks, maybe ill spring for a 300-500mw...
I think you'll enjoy the scanpro set - I've got the same one you just got and it works great - now I just gotta work with drlava and get a DAC working ;)
i think i will too .. as long is i get the right laser for it.. i bought a flashlight style 100mw green and now im trying to trade that and some cash for a lab style or a module that i can slap a heat sync on..
dont slap a heat sink on it, do it properly and get a 5mm thick alum sheet and mount everything on that
Yes one says 20 and the others say 30 and 40 :P daaaaah ;Dnot really unless you doing complex graphics. beams shows they about the same..... Andy nice music in your laser show man.. really got me in the mood to party..lol..jokes nice setup! My scanpro20's are on there way! cant wait!
so if i wanted 40kpps all i need is new galvos? or do i need to replace the drivers too?
the galvos may look the same but they are different inside.

coils, bearings etc
ill ask the same question again...

If i wanted a 40kpps scanner, would i just be getting new galvos, or would i need new driver boards too.

Is there a chip on the board that i need to replace?

or do i have to get galbos and boards together?
You going to have to replace the whole lot.... 40kpps galvos use different driver boards rated at a higher speed...
