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FrozenGate by Avery

Win thread

I'm going to start saving all my change in a jar... for new organs.

I'd rather save to have my conscience uploaded to a completely artificial construct, with no physical limitations, and greater longevity.

Ultimately though... everything ends. Once you stop worrying about dying, and come to terms with it, life becomes a lot less depressing ;)

Edit: In a way it's also something to look forward to. You get to personally find out the answer to one of the greatest mysteries there is! :tinfoil:
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Same thing that's always happened historically when resources become scarce.


That, and the eventual split in the evolution of society into different classes, essentially different species.

Technology/research is progressing faster now then ever before, and the increase in the speed of progress is growing exponentially.

Ultimately, while I expect I will see some miraculous progress made in my lifetime, I highly doubt that I will ever be able to afford it.

I expect that it will be an option only for about 0.00000001% of the population.

That is if the 2012 monster doesnt get us first :whistle:

I agree, the super rich will probably get dibs on the first life extensions
but keep in mind that would only make them so much money..

Lets hope China gets to some discoveries first.. you will be able to get a new
liver for 20$ with the click of a paypal button :san:
Do you really want to live that long? Lets face it, after 70 year you're pretty much done. Even with new parts your body will still change. You'll need diapers, a scooter, your skin will be full of blemishes, your teeth will be gone, you'll have pain all the time, and your balls will be dragging on the ground.

You could end up looking like this.


I'll pass. They can give the organs to some young kid. At least he'll get better use of them.
Quality of life enhancement, not just extension, is also not that far off.

The two go hand in hand. It's likely that initially we will see primarily organ replacement, and biomechanical enhancements. We're actually seeing organ replacement now on a very regular basis. Neural interfaces are also being developed.

Then there is the biggest promise, that currently exists IMO. Gene therapy.

If the process of degradation that occurs with cell division can be stopped, and reversed. That's it. You're basically immortal.

Assuming you do not suffer catastrophic physical damage, any part of your body is something that will be replaced. (Possibly even your brain, depending on the level of damage, and some philosophy.)

Why stop there though, and not alter your genetic makeup? Every few years our bodies literally replace themselves. Imagine if over the course of those years all of a sudden your genetic code no longer predisposed you to existing negative conditions! Or allowed you to select positive traits?

Or how about enhancement beyond what is human?

The possibilities are endless.
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Do you really want to live that long? Lets face it, after 70 year you're pretty much done. Even with new parts your body will still change. You'll need diapers, a scooter, your skin will be full of blemishes, your teeth will be gone, you'll have pain all the time, and your balls will be dragging on the ground.

I'll pass. They can give the organs to some young kid. At least he'll get better use of them.

The research that is in motion covers all of the above.. including teeth..
Besides, on teeth alone you can get the implants which is a stud that
a solid tooth is fitted to and as good, if not better than the original..

Im in my mid 30's, so im hopeful..

I agree to give organs to a younger person like a kid, but when they are grown
custom to match your personal biology, its like replacing parts on a car.

There is a kid who had a bladder engineered , and is alive today because of it,
without years of dialysis.

Had he been stuck waiting for a donor, he just might not be here.
His surgery and engineered bladder was 10 years ago, what they have done
since, im sure is much further along.

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A Colorado advocacy group is spending thousands of dollars to convince people that smoking pot is safer than drinking alcohol.
It's an attempt by the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol to rally support for a vote in November that would legalize the drug for recreational use. Colorado legalized marijuana for medical use in 2000.

Group argues weed is safer than booze - CNN.com

I wish them luck.
^And people say Hooters girls have no other talents :na:

I used to work with a girl who was very into hoola hoops. She was aiming to break the world record. I wonder what happened to her? :thinking:

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